I am using Windows and would like to learn Objective-C. I installed Gnustep and was unable to determine how to construct and build a project (equivalent) nor could i find an IDE (see here if you have a suggestion) Are there any alternatives? (I saw this but i am fairly sure my question is different enough to warrant a separate question)
Here's some bad news. There is no decent IDE for Objective-C available on Windows.And GNUStep is well so much anchored in the linux world that you probably won't be able using it without cygwin installed. However with CYGWIN and with the proper Environment variables set you can follow the GNUStep Makefile tutorial on getting your Objective-C running.
It's really a shame that such a wonderful languages like Objective-C lacks any useful IDE on anything else but Macs....
Regards Friedrich
Here's a nice answer to your question:
Objective-C can be compiled by gcc, which means that you can use it pretty much wherever.
However, as Retro says, the main strength of Objective-C in OS X is the frameworks. But Retro's a little off when he says that those are available only for OS X.
So it depends on whether you're learning Objective C for use on the mac or not.
You'll want to use a good text editor that supports Objective-C syntax highlighting (or language plugins) and GCC. Unfortunately, when you go down these esoteric platform combinations you have to make due with the simplest of tools.