



its very strange problem which I am facing with my iphone cocoa application. Actually i have to add an image over playing video(i am adding that image on the key window). and then do some event handling with that added video like i have to change the video file when i tap on that added image. i am able to do all this work and its working fine. but the actual problem occurred when i first time tap on the added image and next video start play without that image. i need that image will always display over all the playing videos so that i can maintain the change video on tap event. but the image is not display after fist video. i have tried a lot to show that image on every video but didnt get any success yet. it will be great help if some can help me out to resolve my problem.

Thanks AKD


I think your problem is solved now, b'coz u r not adding any comments or any new updates.