



Hi All,

I'm having a bit of an issue wrapping my head around something. I'm currently using a hacked version of Gruff in order to accommodate "Scatter Plots". That said, the data is entered in the form of:"Person1",[12,32,34,55,23],[323,43,23,43,22])

...where the first item is the ENTITY, the second item is X-COORDs, and the third item is Y-COORDs.

I currently have a recordset of items from a table with the columns: POINT, VALUE, TIMESTAMP. Due to the "complex" calculations involved I must grab everything using a single query or risk way too much DB activity. That said, I have a list of items for which I need to dynamically collect all data from the recordset into a hash (or array of arrays) for the creation of the data items. I was thinking something like the following:


 e = Events.find_by_sql(my_query)
 e.each do |event|
      @h["#{event.Point}"][x] = event.timestamp
      @h["#{event.Point}"][y] = event.value

Obviously that's not the correct syntax, but that's where my brain is going. Could someone clean this up for me or suggest a more appropriate mechanism by which to accomplish this? Basically the main goal is to keep data for each pointname grouped (but remember the recordset has them all).

Much appreciated.


g ="600x350")
g.title =

e = Event.find_by_sql(@sql)

h ={}

e.each do |event|
  h[event.Point.to_s] ||= {}

h.each do |p| p[1].values.inspect[0],p[1].keys,p[1].values)


First off, don't use string interpolation when a simple o.to_s will do.


The structure of your data is not clear from the description. I think you mean that there 1) there are events with Point names 2) each event has a time and a value 3) you want to manipulate a collection of events.

A hash is a fine choice for the problem.

Good call in the interpolation. That said, I'm still not sure as to how to structure the hash. I'll need both X and Y forks for each, correct? Or would it be a hash of a hash? Would you mind providing an example? My main issue is that all points are in the returned recordset and I need an extra level of "awareness" in order to determine what POINTNAME I'm currently using -- unless, of course hashes support some sort of "push" mechanism, in which I case I could simply reference it by name and throw on two more values.
You need to figure out how you want to represent and organize the data. The code is secondary. If you want to manipulate, but not store, the points in a hash (keyed by event name) that's fine. It's okay to use another hash (keys: "x", "y") or a list (0th = x, 1th = y) which refers to the time and value.`@[event.Point.to_s]=[event.timestamp, event.value]`
Please see my "Edit 1". That is what I have as of this comment. I keep receiving errors regarding conversions from Arrays to Strings and vice versa depending on how I format the data. I'm not sure why I can't simply plug in the array values that way. Perhaps it's returning one of the arrays as a string?
Paste the error messages. Which lines cause errors?