




Which git hosting provider would you use for commercial development?

Edit: Let's not turn this question into a discussion of whether a hosting provider is really necessary for a distributed SCM. Have a look at github to see some of the benefits a hosting provider might give you.

Second, the fact that git is distributed is hardly the only benefit to use it over svn. For example, branching and especially merging is much easier in git.

+47  A: 

The obvious but correct answer: GitHub

Ben Hoffstein
I pay $50 a month for my GitHub account. I don't need that large of an account. I just like them that much.
Kenneth Reitz
+9  A: 

Assembla is also reasonable too. They also offer free private hosting for small teams, commercial or otherwise.

Edit: Assembla is no longer free for private teams, but it's still relatively inexpensive.

As far as I can tell, Assembla's free plan is public, though the lowest tier for private accounts is $3/mon which is practically free.
Mark Renouf
Assembla now (15 june 2010) offers free private repo with 2GB space. Free plan only include repository though.
+1 for Assembla. Used it for two years now and very pleased. Both public/private spaces.
Aaron Greenlee
+17  A: 

For commercial development I'd use my own server. If your business relies heavily on your source-code then you might consider holding the source with your own hands.

Why is that an either-or question, though? There is no limit to the number of repositories you can have, so with DVCS it makes *even more* sense to keep the source both on an internal *and* on a repo hoster. (Or two, or three.)
Aristotle Pagaltzis
You should elaborate on your answer.
+1 For commercial development I'd use my own server. It's a matter of trust and I don't trust github.
Fake Code Monkey Rashid
I like the idea of having a backup repository, but I also think, especially with dvcs, that blessing a single repository as 'mainline' is often valuable. If you want that, then a nicer approach might be to use a lower level backup solution, allowing pulls to happen anywhere, but only one cloned copy is writable.
+2  A: 

GitHub is simply awesome. I would highly recommend it. Lots of features and an inspired UI design. Crisp, clean and clear.

+13  A: 

Unfuddle is pretty nice, and has issue tracking as well.

Unfuddle also offers free private hosting (for very small projects).
+6  A: 

If you want to set up your own web-facing server to host git, make yourself a favor and check out Gitosis. It's a Python script that lets you manage multiple repositories, manage access with public keys and everything.

The best part? You server's config files are in a git repo on the server and you only have to push your new changes to the server and it will take the new config into account. This means at any time you can roll back to a previous state of the config :-)

+2  A: 

I would recommend Codebase. They have tickets, milestones and timetracking, and you can log time and change ticket status from commit messages.

Bjarte Minde
+1  A: 

Gitorious would be awesome if they managed to make the installation process easier. I failed in my attempt on creating a private host. Yes, the source code is FOSS so you are free to use it in your private network.

But it seems installing it requires intimate knowledge on Ruby on Rails as the installation is challenging to say the least. Looks nice and unlke GitHub, you can use your own private hosts.


Question: What is your motivation for hosting externally?

Answer? Availability? Irrelevant with git, as local == remote == local in terms of access. You are decoupled from the network. Availability is irrelevant.

Answer? Disaster recovery?
Better answer, but still mostly irrelevant: you can easily promote ANY local or remote repository to be the master if you wish.

Nuclear warfare - surviving Armageddon? Irrelevant - you'll be too busy surviving to care about your git repositories.

I have a repository on my webhost simply because it's the one place I can guarantee I can access from all the places I go. But I still prefer to use my home webserver as my repository of record instead - there's just certain types of customer data I can't put on the WWW.

Chris Kaminski
+4  A: 

You can also use InDefero which is a clone of GoogleCode with private/public projects. You get unlimited private projects and 1GB storage for $30/year. You also have private projects with the free version. The good point is that the engine is available (GPL) and you can import everything in your own instance down the road, no lock in problems. Note: I am the lead dev of InDefero.

+6  A: 

I've recently found Project Locker. It's not instant signup annoyingly and I'm still waiting for my account activation but the service levels are interesting because the Free level has 500MB of space, 5 users, Subversion, Git, multiple repositories and SSL support for nothing.

Thanks for the recommendation Cletus. We at ProjectLocker actually are instant signup. . . account welcome messages occasionally run afoul of people's spam filters though. Users can log in at portal.projectlocker.com immediately after registration.

Yo can try http://gitfarm.appspot.com , it's a free private git service.

I would not trust it...
@knoopx- Why? Sure the site doesn't look professional, but it doesn't mean much.
+1  A: 

I'm using SourceRepo.com (a.k.a. GitRepo.com and SVNRepository.com) and have been quite happy so far. The price is better than the competition, it's extremely easy to set up users (for the team and for clients) and it supports SVN, Git, Trac and Redmine.

I'm using these guys too, they are pretty cheap but I've never had any real problems, only that it's a little slow sometimes.

In my experience GitHub and the other repo hosting providers go down way too often to be useful in a day-to-day development cycle. It obviously can be used to supplement your own hosting, though, as a backup and a nice commit/code browser/wiki/etc. Definitely don't rely on it as your origin. Your developers will go mad.

A sage warning. Git being distributed means that GitHub being down doesn't affect development much. However if your deployment script deploys from GitHub it can be a frustrating wait to get code into production when the service is down.
Ben James
It definitely does affect development if github goes down and it's your origin. `git push` and just about everything else will fail. If there's more than a couple developers on your team this will quickly turn into a nightmare of merging. Not the end of the world but a significant waste of time. Best to just have a box in your office that you push to that has a post-receive that pushes it up to github. That way if github is down all is still well in the office.
+1  A: 

If it's commercial: large-scale: set up an own server with appropriate backup small-scale: use dropbox and set up a git repo there

do you have experience with the dropbox approach?
Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
+6  A: 

Don't forget repositoryhosting.com, their price is very affordable.

Peter B
+1 for repositoryhosting.com - by far the best price compared to what else is out there.
Ryan Farley
Another +1 for me. Use them for a long time and love them.

We've just released our beta Git service at Codesion.com (CVSDude), with the same enterprise grade security, phone support, backups and redundancy as our SVN / CVS service.

Mark Bathie
+1  A: 

we use and happy with http://beanstalkapp.com/