




Hello, I am trying to execute a certain task where i am required to read files (one at a time) from a folder which can have undefined number of files. I need to be able to MOVE the first file in the folder to a new location and then execute another task with another batch file.The main aim is to read one files at a time instead of doing a . which will read all files at once. Any help would be appreciated ! Thanks

+1  A: 

I think you might want to take a look at forfiles:

Selects and executes a command on a file or set of files. This command is useful for batch processing.

Andrew Hare
But I would like to have a single batch file for copying 1 files at a time, lets say I have 5 batch files as 5 Steps (each independent of other step) and the first step needs to read the first file in the folder instead of reading all files in a loop since this step will have no connection with Step2.
Murtaza RC
In short is there a way to copy the first file in the folder instead of copying all files?
Murtaza RC
+1  A: 

You can use a for command something like this:

for /R c:\test\src %i IN (*.*) DO (
MOVE %i C:\test\dest
YourBatch.bat C:\test\dest\%~nxi

If you are putting this command in a batch file you will need to double up the % symbols like this:

for /R c:\test\src %%i IN (*.*) DO (
MOVE %%i C:\test\dest
YourBatch.bat C:\test\dest\%%~nxi

In the YourBatch.bat file access the file name using %1% something like this:

@echo off
type %1%


To only process one file simply exit at the end of the first loop:

for /R c:\test\src %%i IN (*.*) DO (
MOVE %%i C:\test\dest
YourBatch.bat C:\test\dest\%%~nxi
Martin Brown
can you explain the purpose of %%~nxi ?Thanks !
Murtaza RC
It seems the code you have provided runs continuously in a loop for (*.*) I would like it to stop after reading the first file.
Murtaza RC
The ~nx in the middle of %i means that you only get the file name and extention. n = file name, x = extention.
Martin Brown
I've added a version that exits after the first itteration. I tried using goto :EOF but that doesn't seem to work.
Martin Brown

here is another way to do it. it uses some extensions to the SET command:

@echo off
FOR /f %%a IN ('dir /b') DO (
   CALL SET /a x = !x! +1
   if !x! == 1 (
      REM do your work here. the call to move is an example
      CALL ECHO moving %%a
      CALL MOVE %%a .. 

here are some details
