



A quick search gives me tawbaware wc, but it does not accept stdout as input stream, meaning I can not use pipe within a DOS session.

Note: I can not install cygwin or use powershell (which would have allowed a '|foreach-object {(get-content $_).count}')

unxutils and and gnuwin32 Packages might have this feature...

+11  A: 

You can use the original "wc", built for windows: it is part of the coreutils package.

downloading it now, but a quick (too quick) survey of the page did not let me believe wc was included in that distribution...
installed and used with a |. It works (provided libiconv2.dll and libintl3.dll are there as well). Thank you!
+2  A: 

Well, I'm sorry to disagree, but unxutils do have a wc.exe

Give it a try!


you are right, my initial search was too quick. +1 but I will go with coreutils
+2  A: 

My unxutils pack has word count:

C:\Java\vssWorkspace\java\portlets_core>wc -l C:\Users\malp\AppData\Local\Temp__portlets41366.html 79717 C:\Users\malp\AppData\Local\Temp__portlets41366.html

Besides, the unxutils page indicates wc.exe is available. Are you looking for something that wc.exe does not handle?

Miguel Ping
you are right, my initial search was too quick. +1 but I will go with coreutils

I know nothing about it, but a quick google search for "windows wc" returned this: Itappears to be freeware, but I'm not positive.

I made the same request: it seems to be not free, and ask for an "evaluation request"

It also seems to be part of the cygwin install

Andrew Cox

There is also WinXs 4.2, it's shareware, so you could see if it'll do what you need it to.

Could you install a script language for this? It might be overkill, but if it gets the job done with a minimum of fuss...

interesting, but not free. As for the scripting language, the startup time is too slow compared to a single wc.exe (we have 5-6 years old PC... ;-) )
+4  A: 

For unix tools on windows your options are:

cygwin - just about everythign for unix, complex install and requires a dll to provide unix api. Can be problems mixing tools built with different versions of cygwin.dll

Unixtools - not all the tools provided by cygwin but compiled natively

msys - similair to unixtools, originally just a few build tools needed to go with mingw (native version of gcc), now has almost all of the cygwin tools

ch - pretty much all the unix tools, compiled natively. And a shell which includes a 'c' interpreter. The standard version is free (beer) but not open source.

uwin - free from ATT, includes the korn shell if you like that sort of thing.

mks a Commercial port of unix tools. Rather expensive given the free versions available.

Martin Beckett
Thank you for that list. I will certainly refer to it for any future similar request. +1

getgnuwin32 facilitates downloading and installing of gnuwin32 (which certainly has wc utility).

J.F. Sebastian

Simply do it in C. A few lines of code...

True, but that suppose you have en environment ready to easily edit and then compile your C code... a quick download it much easier ;)
I tried to do something like that based on the old [Software Tools in Pascal]( "pascal tools tape") book in Turbo Pascal but it was buggey at first. I'm not even sure why.

Here's a good option, too -- roll your own in Perl:

Luckily someone gave you the source. This is what I'm trying now, to avoid installing more packages. A simple machine is a healthy machine.

Chris Blanc