




I want to write an SQL query using the LIKE keyword. It should search the first character or the starting character of my column with the search parameter.

Is there a specific syntax for doing this?

+6  A: 

Is this what you're looking for

FROM yourtable
WHERE yourcolumn LIKE 'X%'

This will find all rows where yourcolumn starts with the letter X.

To find all that ends with X:

WHERE yourcolumn LIKE '%X'

...and contains an X...

WHERE yourcolumn LIKE '%X%'
Lasse V. Karlsen
+3  A: 


select * from table where column like 'c%'

where 'c' is the character you want

Ezekiel Rage
+1  A: 

Here's two examples...

SELECT FirstName
FROM tblCustomer
WHERE FirstName LIKE 'B%'

The % sign is the wildcard, so this would return all results where the First Name starts with B.

This might be more efficient though...

SELECT FirstName
FROM tblCustomer
WHERE LEFT(FirstName, 1) = 'B'
Actually the second version will almost certainly be less efficient as it cannot take advantage of an index on the FirstName column.
Matt Howells
"This *might* be more efficient though..." - we don't know anything about the database or whether there is an index of the field being searched. The execution plan is king.
Test on random table: LIKE: 2 mins 38 seconds - PATINDEX: 2 mins 39 seconds - LEFT / LEN: 2 mins 20 seconds. Another table would supply different results.
+1  A: 

For a parameterized query, which you seem to have ("search the first character [...] with the search parameter"), use this:

FROM yourtable
WHERE yourcolumn LIKE ? + '%'