Can anyone explain the following behaviour to a relative newbie...
const char cInputFilenameAndPath[] = "W:\\testerfile.bin";
int filesize = 4584;
char * fileinrampointer;
fileinrampointer = (char*) malloc(filesize);
ifstream fsInputFileStream;, fstream::in | fstream::binary); *)(fileinrampointer), filesize);
for(int f=0; f<4; f++)
printf("%x\n", *fileinrampointer);
I was expecting the above code to rread the first 4 bytes of the file I just read into memory. In the loop I am just displaying the current byte pointed to by the pointer then incrementing the pointer ready to display the next byte. When I run the code I get:
The values are correct but every other value seems to be padded up to a 64 bit number. Because I'm asking it to display the value indicated by a 'char sized' pointer, I was expecting char size results but every other result comes out as a long long. If I asign *fileinrampointer to an unsigned __int8 it leaves me with the value I want (without the leading 1s) which solves the problem, but I'm just wondering if anyone can explain what is happening above?