




How to Check if a particluar cell in that range is locked,

I am posting the small snippet of my code, Please suggestme , the better way of writing to cell if the cell is not locked.

if (reader.HasRows) { minRow = 0; minCol = 0;

                                // Process each result in the result set
                                while (reader.Read())
                                    // Create an array big enough to hold the column values
                                    object[] values = new object[reader.FieldCount];

                                    // Add the array to the ArrayList

                                    // Get the column values into the array

                                    int iValueIndex = 0;
                                    int jValueIndex = 1;

                                    // If the Reading Format is by ColumnByColumn 
                                    if (CurTaskNode.ReadFormat == "ColumnbyColumn")
                                        minCol = 0;
                                        int lengthHeader = 0;
                                        if (CurTaskNode.ReadHeader == true)
                                            lengthHeader = CurTaskNode.HEADER_MAX_ROW - CurTaskNode.HEADER_MIN_ROW;
                                            lengthHeader = CurTaskNode.HeaderData.Length;

                                        for (int iCol = 0; iCol < lengthHeader; iCol++)

                                            // Checking whether the Header data exists or not
                                            if (CurTaskNode.HeaderData[minCol] != "")
                                                //if (!(excelworksheet.Cells[CurTaskNode.DATA_MIN_ROW + minRow, CurTaskNode.DATA_MIN_COL + minCol]).Locked)

                                                // Assigning the Value from reader to the particular cell in excel sheet

                                                        excelworksheet.Cells[CurTaskNode.DATA_MIN_ROW + minRow, CurTaskNode.DATA_MIN_COL + minCol] = values[iValueIndex];



In the code, writing to excel cell is

excelworksheet.Cells[CurTaskNode.DATA_MIN_ROW + minRow, CurTaskNode.DATA_MIN_COL + minCol] = values[iValueIndex];

here I have to check the condition whether the cell is locked or not, I tried it, but this is not correct.

CurTaskNode.DATA_MIN_ROW is the minrow value for that data to write in excel sheet, this value comes from XML file and if I have to write from (10, 2) to (20, 10) , cells, in which if the first cell is say locked, I cant write it to that cell and I have to proceed writing with other cells.

Please help me in doing this. Thanks, Ramm

+1  A: 

((Range)excelworksheet.Cells[CurTaskNode.DATA_MIN_ROW + minRow, CurTaskNode.DATA_MIN_COL + minCol]).Locked is the property to find a cells locked attribute.

excelworksheet.Protection.AllowBlahBlahBlah is the property to get/set a kind of protection for a worksheet.

excelworksheet.ProtectionMode is a read only boolean to find out if the protection defined by the AllowBlahBlahBlah's is enabled.

So I might use

Range r = (Range)excelworksheet.Cells[CurTaskNode.DATA_MIN_ROW + minRow, CurTaskNode.DATA_MIN_COL + minCol]?? new Range(); // cover null
    r.Locked && // is cell locked
    excelworksheet.ProtectionMode && // is sheet protected
    !excelworksheet.Protection.AllowFormattingCells) // are locked cells not allowed to be messed with
Hi,excelworksheet.Range(CurTaskNode.DATA_MIN_ROW + minRow, CurTaskNode.DATA_MIN_COL + minCol).Locked itself is invalid statement, since I cant use .Locked for this type.is it we need to declare object for it initially and later check whehter its locked or not>Please help me in doin thisTHanks Ramm
I made changes. You're right, you first need to cast the Cells object to range to get at the locked property.