
Finding out if LDAP user in Sun Directory Server 5.2 is locked out, in Java

I'm developing an application using Java, Tomcat, Spring Framework and Spring LDAP 1.2.1 for LDAP access. According to our LDAP administrator, it is not possible to find out programmatically, if a specific user is locked out in the directory - the user is just not returned. This makes life difficult for me, as I need to identify locked ...

"Database is locked" error in SQLite over a Mac network

Hello - I have created a simple database using SQLite (actually PySQLite). It works fine when I'm querying or writing to the database from the local machine (ie program and database file on the windows machine drive). However when I copy the database file to my network drive (a time capsule), then Windows machines, although they can see...

CruiseControl.net reports SVN locked exception

I am trying to setup a CruiseControl.net (version 1.4.4) server on a machine with Windows XP SP3. The source is contained in an SVN repository on a different server. The svn client I am using was installed through the Cygwin tools. I am able to get CruiseControl.net successfully installed and configured up to getting the Subversion part...

Powershell script to check application that's locking a file?

How will I do this in powershell. I like to check which process/application is using the file, so that I can close it. Thanks. ...

Value is a variable but used as a method

Hi, The error here is "Range is a variable but used as a method" I added " Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel" and using it currently as Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook SelWorkBook = excelappln1.Workbooks.Open(curfile, 0, false, 5, "", "", false, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "", true, false, 0, false, fal...

what is the way to check whether excel cell is locked or not?

How to Check if a particluar cell in that range is locked, I am posting the small snippet of my code, Please suggestme , the better way of writing to cell if the cell is not locked. if (reader.HasRows) { minRow = 0; minCol = 0; // Process each result in the result set whi...

Why do reads block other reads in MyISAM?

I have one really long running read. It is a cronjob run once a day, but the whole DB gets locked down when it is running : mysql> show full processlist; +--------+------+-----------+------+---------+------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

Access a locked folder

Ok so my supervisor is currently testing something with Windows Permission Settings for folders, basically setting who can access it and who can't. He wants me to find out if I can get in, without permissions. Basically checking how secure this method is to protect a folder from unwanted access. So my question is, Is it possible to get...

Deploying with Capistrano & Subversion. Working copy locked

I'm deploying to a Debian server with Capistrano which fails due to locked a working copy. I narrowed it down to this: svn checkout http://myrepo.net/mysite/tags/1.0 /var/www/mysite/releases/1234 So if I run: cap invoke COMMAND='svn checkout http://myrepo.net/mysite/tags/1.0 /var/www/mysite/releases/1234' I get an error: svn: Workin...

How do I get a list of locked users in an Oracle database?

I want to be able to list all of the users in a given database along with an icon that determines whether they are locked or not. The problem I'm having is querying the "locked" status for a given user, I though it might have been on all_users but it isn't. Can anyone point me in the right direction? ...

iPhone sqlite3 locked, can only read, not write.

So I have been working on this project for a short while now. I have no problems with reading data from the DB, and formatting it into UITableViews and what not. But now I am wanting also to write to the DB as well. The problem is I keep getting a "Database is Locked" error from sqlite. After messing around with the original version I ha...

Alternative to SendKeys that does NOT require an unlocked session

Situation: A GUI app contains functionality (off a menu option) that produces a frequently updated image to a directory. A logged-in, running instance of the app is the ONLY source for this image (functionality 'reliant' on display device). I have researched this to death - it is a sad fact. The GUI application offers COM interfaces, ...

How to replace framework's AP of Android

Dear all: I would like to write a standalone screen locked AP of Android to replace the default one(android\frameworks\policies\base\phone\com\android\internal\policy\impl\LockScreen.java ) Does anyone know how to replace the default AP of framework? Is it possible to replace framework AP without modify any framework code? Thanks f...

Problem on checkout SCplugin shows error "working copy of ... locked"

hi all one of my customer uses mac and pc. so i installed him scplugin as svn-client for mac and tortoise for pc. I added .svn to the global-ignores of the scplugin. when i want to checkout a directory some times the error "working copy of ... is locked" appears. it's never the same path. i tried with tortoise to get the data. it wo...

Core Location while iPhone locked

Hi, I was reading your comment below: "I don't know what you mean by "power save" mode, but if you're thinking of when the screen is locked/off, that does not stop Core Location from running if your app is still running. On the contrary it's easy to run down your phone's battery much more quickly than you'd expect if you lock the phone...

File locks when using file.move in c#...how can I stop or fix this.

Code: String tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName(), read = ""; TextReader pending = new StreamReader("c:\\pending.txt"); TextWriter temp = new StreamWriter(tempFile); read = pending.ReadLine(); while ((read = pending.ReadLine()) != null) { temp.WriteLine(read); } ...

IIS 5.1 virtual directory usage gives "The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to" for server-side include

I am attempting to use a virtual directory on my Windows XP machine that has IIS 5.1 installed. I have configured the virtual directory as "When connecting to this resource, the content should come from: A share located on another computer." I typed the network directory in the box (ex. \comptername.companyname.com\sharename), and in t...

Python / SQLite - database locked despite large timeouts

I'm sure I'm missing something pretty obvious, but I can't for the life of me stop my pysqlite scripts crashing out with a database is locked error. I have two scripts, one to load data into the database, and one to read data out, but both will frequently, and instantly, crash depending on what the other is doing with the database at any...

Resizing image with Python with locked aspect ratio

How should I resize an image with Python script so that it would automatically adjust the Height ratio to the Width used? I'm using the following code: def Do(Environment): # Resize App.Do( Environment, 'Resize', { 'AspectRatio': 1.33333, 'CurrentDimensionUnits': App.Constants.UnitsOfMeasure.Pixels, ...

How to play sounds in locked mode on iPhone

Everybody knows the standard procedure to keep your app alive, after the user pressed the lock button (silent sound). If I start a sound with AVAudioPlayer (before the iphone is locked), the sound plays till it's end (after locking). The app is still running. If I try to start another sound while the iPhone is locked, it will never get p...