
Sendkeys in vb6

Just trying to make the enter key pressed after a time delay in vb6, all the examples I find don't seem to be working, any help? Just trying to simulate a keystroke. Focus doesn't matter. ...

taking screenshots of an application using WSH Script

I want to take the screenshot of an application and paste it in MSWord but the command {PRTSC} is not working. Can anybody help me out please. Here is the script which i have written. Dim StrInputKey Set WshShell=CreateObject("WScript.Shell") SystemUtil.Run "" WshShell.SendKeys "{PRTSC}" SystemUtil.Run "winword" Wsh...

Sending Keyboard Macro Commands to Game Windows

Hi, I wanna do a macro program for a game. But there is a problem with sending keys to only game application (game window). I am using keybd_event API for sending keys to game window. But I only want to send keys to the game window, not to explorer or any opened window while my macro program is running. When I changed windows its still ...

How to SendKeys F12 from current .NET form/application

I am pretty sure the following button-activated form code should raise a Control-F12 in my C# application: SendKeys("^{F12}"); But it does not appear to go on up to the windows shell and activate another program that is listening for it. My keyboard does work. It seems like the sendkeys is getting intercepted somewhere and not sent o...

Programmatic data input/output to citrix application

I have written a script which is a pretty brutal hack using a language called AutoIt. Essentially it screen scrapes and sends keys to mimic a user moving throughout the citrix app (it's a 25+ year old dos app). It works relatively well, however it does need a lot of babysitting. I am planning on re-writting it in C#, however I'm hopin...

SendKeys.Send and turning off key modifiers

I want to make ^N work the same as Down arrow in a tree control. I thought I'd just have to add the following to the KeyDown handler: SendKeys.Send("{Down}"); but this gets treated as a Control-Down arrow since the control key is currently pressed. The msdn page describes how to turn on the control modifier but not how to turn it off...

VBScript ending process started by .bat file

I have a scenario setup where I need to test to see if the results of a .bat file execution returned results. The .bat file calls up another .exe and the .bat file has a CMD DOS window that outputs critical error info to that DOS box from the .exe. If the .exe does not start correctly, I am able to check the results in our SQL DB. I need...

C#: How to send keyboard scan codes manually?

I'm working on a project that needs to emulate a keypress of the Windows key. I've tried SendKeys.Send to no avail. Specifically, the windows key needs to come in concert with a button. That is, I want to send Windows Key and plus / minus. ...

How to send + from the number pad in Excel/VBA?

I'm working on a project at work that, basically, does screen scraping. I'm using VBA to drive another system based on inputs stored in a spreadsheet. The problem I'm running into is that certain fields require a + from the number pad as a field-exit character. I have no problem using the SendKeys function to fill in the other fields,...

Is it possible to simulate keystrokes in Silverlight (similar to SendKeys)?

Is it possible to build a Silverlight application with an embedded on-screen keyboard that is context aware (e.g. on-screen keyboard appears only when a textbox is in focus). ...

SendMessage from VB6 app to Excel dialog box

My employer has purchased a third-party tool, OfficeConverter from Conveter Technology that automates the conversion / repair of Office 2003-formatted files to Office 2007 format. This tool also highly automates the translation / change in macro / VBA code requirements between Office 2003 and 2007 formats. My problem is that during thi...

C# SendKeys.Send

I am running on an issue using C# SendKeys.Send method. I am trying to replace keyboard keys with other keys, for example when I press "a" in keyboard I want that key to be "s" for example, when I am doing this in my code: if ((Keys)keyCode== Keys.A) { SendKeys.Send("s"); } Right now I get ...

Intercept modal dialog popup from another application

We have a third party Windows application that we feel is too complex for our users to use efficiently. The application manages a scanner that we're using to scan 3000 documents per day. The scanner application can be completely piloted using the keyboard. We are therefore in the process of writing a simple WinForms application that ha...

Map Scrollwheel to buttons?

I want to make the mousewheel up and down send the + and - keys respectively - directly to the OS, as if it came from the keyboard. But only when the Win Key is pressed. That is the Windows 7 Magnifier uses win-- and win-+ to zoom in and out, and I want to do that via win-mousewheel, the way it should have worked. Any similar solution...

SendKeys class in C#

I have a c# program that uses the Process class to launch Internet Explorer and goes to a url. It then sends in specific strings to the search box of that page, copies the whole screen of the returned results, and processes it. The problem I encountered is this: I use SendKeys.SendWait("abc") to send the string to the page in Internet...

Sendkeys alternative for RDP and Remote Desktop

Hello, I have an application which injects keystrokes into applications via Sendkeys, unfortunatly the application will not work when I am running Remote Desktop, because of the well known issue that Sendkeys doesn't work with Remote Desktop. Has anyone solved this issue before, or have any good suggestions on how to resolve it? Thank...

How do I send key strokes to a window without having to activate it using Windows API?

    I have made an application already that sends commands to an activated window. I want to be able to use the computer while my process is running because as soon as I switch focus to another window the key strokes being sent via send keys will go to the window I just switched to.     Currently I use FindWindow, IsIconic, and ShowWin...

Sending Keystroke

Im using SendKey and those functions to send keystrokes to a window located by its Window Name [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern int FindWindow( string lpClassName, // class name string lpWindowName // window name ); [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern int SetForegroundWindow( int hWnd // ...

How to press the Windows button programmatically using C# SendKeys

Hi, Basically I want to simulate in code a user clicking on the windows button. I know there is SendKeys which allows me to send key presses to windows if I get a handle to them, but what I can't figure out is what I need to get a handle on in order to send Windows button commands. E.g. Windows Button + L. Having read into this a bit i...

How to run .dll program?

Hi all, I want to use Run("someProgram.exe") command using BASIC language. This will open the 3rd application program. If that program running using .dll(not sure if it possible) not .exe, how can i code that? thanks in advance. ...