
Make a form not focusable in C#

Hi! I'm wanting to write a virtual keyboard, like windows onscreen keyboard for touchscreen pcs. But I'm having problem with my virtual keyboard stealing the focus from the application being used. The windows onscreen keyboard mantains the focus on the current application even when the user clicks on it. Is there a way to do the same wi...

how to send key from my program to external program - winCE

hi how i can send key from my C# program to external program ? ex: i send "G" to external program that has textbox how to do it ? in C# (winCE) thank's in advance ...

Sendkeys problem from .NET program

THe code below I copied from MSDN with a bit of modification: [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName,string lpWindowName); DllImport("User32")] public static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd); int cnt = 0; private void button1_Click(object sender, EventAr...

.NET sendkeys to calculator

The sendkeys code below works well for Notepad but it doesn't work for Calculator. What is the problem? (It's another problem compared to what I sent here [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName,string lp...

Is it possible to sendkeys / Post Message directly to a HtmlElement rather than to a webbrowser control?

I would like to send keys to a c# web browser control element directly, not just the window with the correct focus. Right now I am able to send a key using PostMessage and documentHandle and focus like this i.e. Pseudo Code HtmlElement el = getelement(); el.Focus(); IntPtr docptr = browser.Handle; PostMessage(docptr,WM_KEYDOWN,1,0);...

Sending keystrokes to a program

In window form, I made a button and I'm trying to make it send F1 to a specific window (Such as FireFox, My Computer, etc...) My questions are : How do I do it by the window's name? (such as "Mozilla Firefox") How do I do it by the process's name? (such as firefox.exe) ...

SendKeys.SendWait doesn't works

My target is to send keyboard events to external application. From my application, I'm launching a C# exe (console application) that bring the target application to the front and uses SendKeys.SendWait to send keyboards events. I ran into a rate case were the command don't have any affect. When debugging it, it works but when running it ...

How to automate the java Applet(tree view) from my .NET application.

Hi I have a java applet (tree view) on Internet Explorer. when i Click on this applet (+) it collapes, as the information is based on this plus sign. I need to automate this java applet to click automatically from my C#.NET winforms application but am not able to get the details of the java applet. How to get the details of the java ap...

Trying to create a WPF Touch Screen Keyboard Appliaction, Can't get WPF App to Send Keys to another window? Any suggestions?

My touch screen keyboard is highly customizable interface and has every component I need except for sending keys, anyone see a problem with this. Originally when I was creating it I was going to use the Forms.SendKeys.Send() but it's a WPF application... no go. For starters VB.Net in its infinite wisdom decided it would not handle defaul...

Problem with sendkeys in .NET

I have a windows application, where I am using send keys to navigate from one window to another. My send key sequence is like activating another window with in my app, and sending key strokes to that window. But the key strokes I am sending is getting updated in the same window where I am activating the other window. But after few key s...

trigger OS to copy (ctrl+c or Ctrl-x) programicly

I'm working on a program to trigger cut and pastes Pastes i have no problem with (i just dump a string into the clipboard) Cut and or Copys are proving to be a little more difficult The program i have is out of focus and has several hot keys registered with the os ( ctrl+alt+2 ctrl+alt+3 etc) that i want to use to trigger Windows to ...

Failing to send key presses to a running process in C#

I'm using the following code to put the focus on a window (in this case, a notepad window), and sending some key presses to it everytime button 2 is clicked. However, when I press button 2, nothing happens. Can anyone tell my why my sendkeys command is failing? public partial class Form1 : Form { [DllImport("user32.dll")] static...

When using SendKeys()-InvalidOperationException: Undo Operation encountered...

Here is my code public void KeyPress() { //Finds the target window and sends a key command to the application Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("calc"); IntPtr calculatorHandle; foreach (Process proc in processes) { calculatorHandle = proc.MainWindowHandle; ...

press save button of "File download dialog" of internet explorer via c#

I am working on internet explorer automation and part of it involves downloading files from a site whcih is hosted on asp 2.0 and uses forms based authentication, so to create end to end automation i used browser automation. I was able to reach to the step where i can get to click on a URL which brings the "File Download" dialog of the ...

How to make an application like google transliteration desktop application in c#

Just the functionality of intercepting the keyboard entry , transforming it and sending it back is if user press a i wold like to send e etc. To make a application that accepts the entry from keyboard modify it and send it to the active window (may be application like word, excel,notepad windows screens ) etc. The feature i...

How can I paste some string to the active window in Python?

Can someone make me an example or explain to me how can I paste something to the active window with Python? ...

send key strokes to a window in while it is still minimized

I used to know vb6 and I need to make a quick application. I hope someone can help me with how to send keys to a minimized window in thanks ...

SendKeys not working on Fraps

For those not familiar with fraps. Its screen recording program that you can trigger with key shortcuts. I am using triggering fraps using the SendKeys.SendWait call. I noticed this is not triggering fraps to record any video but if I manually press the key, fraps would being recording. Is there a way to figure out if fraps is doing tha...

Does or Can VBscript's SendKeys support Unicode?

I am finding that VBscript's SendKeys does not support Unicode. It supports some like A-65, but not foreign letters like the letter Aleph (א) from the Hebrew alphabet. Prob outside its supported range. Could be for decimal values of 128+, it gives a "?", and it only supports the ASCII range. I can type and see Hebrew letters on my compu...

SendKey command C#

Hi there! I will be grateful to anybody who could help! I'm using the InterceptKeys class below to change some of the keys. For example when I type the open bracket key "[", I want to change this to "ë" (whenever I type in my computer, not a particular program). I use a SendKey.Send("ë"); whenever the "[" is typed, but the problem is t...