+1  A: 

I think it's a problem with your include path.

Check it, the require_once() call is looking for lib/model/map/QuestionMapBuilder.php

But your include_path is C:\webroot\askeet\lib

Which, when resolved together into a full path, would look like this


So, I think your solution is to add C:\webroot\askeet to your include path.

Peter Bailey
+1  A: 

You are generating crud for the Question model class but it doesn't seem to exist. Documentation on using the crud generator

First you must use the schema.yml file to define your database, and run

./symfony propel:build-model

to generate your model files. (this will generate lib\model\map\QuestionMapBuilder.php)


I finally tracked down the issue. In my PHP.ini files, they were setup wit the default UNIX file path settings.

Weirdly nothing had ever been broken by this incorrect configuration. Plus, everything in Symfony had worked up until now.

I have switched to Windows style file_path and all is well again.

Thanks for all the answers!

Jon Winstanley