



I'd like to write a decorator that would limit the number of times a function can be executed, something along the following syntax :

def my_method(*a,**k):
   # do something here

I think it's possible to write this type of decorator, but I don't know how. I think a function won't be this decorator's first argument, right? I'd like a "plain decorator" implementation, not some class with a call method.

The reason for this is to learn how they are written. Please explain the syntax, and how that decorator works.


I know you said you didn't want a class, but unfortunately that's the only way I can think of how to do it off the top of my head.

class mymethodwrapper:
    def __init__(self):
        self.maxcalls = 0
    def mymethod(self):
        self.maxcalls += 1
        if self.maxcalls > 5:
        #rest of your code
        print "Code fired!"

Fire it up like this

a = mymethodwrapper
for x in range(1000):

The output would be:

>>> Code fired!
>>> Code fired!
>>> Code fired!
>>> Code fired!
>>> Code fired!
this can't be used with any method, and uses a callable object. I'd like a regular decorator.
+4  A: 

Decorator is merely a callable that transforms a function into something else. In your case, max_execs(5) must be a callable that transforms a function into another callable object that will count and forward the calls.

class helper:
    def __init__(self, i, fn):
        self.i = i
        self.fn = fn
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.i > 0:
            self.i = self.i - 1
            return self.fn(*args, **kwargs)

class max_execs:
    def __init__(self, i):
        self.i = i
    def __call__(self, fn):
        return helper(self.i, fn)

I don't see why you would want to limit yourself to a function (and not a class). But if you really want to...

def max_execs(n):
    return lambda fn, i=n: return helper(i, fn)
+2  A: 

There are two ways of doing it. The object-oriented way is to make a class:

class max_execs:
    def __init__(self, max_executions):
        self.max_executions = max_executions
        self.executions = 0

    def __call__(self, func):
        def maybe(*args, **kwargs):
            if self.executions < self.max_executions:
                self.executions += 1
                return func(*args, **kwargs)
                print "fail"
        return maybe

See this question for an explanation of wraps.

I prefer the above OOP approach for this kind of decorator, since you've basically got a private count variable tracking the number of executions. However, the other approach is to use a closure, such as

def max_execs(max_executions):
    executions = [0]
    def actual_decorator(func):
        def maybe(*args, **kwargs):
            if executions[0] < max_executions:
                executions[0] += 1
                return func(*args, **kwargs)
                print "fail"
        return maybe
    return actual_decorator

This involved three functions. The max_execs function is given a parameter for the number of executions and returns a decorator that will restrict you to that many calls. That function, the actual_decorator, does the same thing as our __call__ method in the OOP example. The only weirdness is that since we don't have a class with private variables, we need to mutate the executions variable which is in the outer scope of our closure. Python 3.0 supports this with the nonlocal statement, but in Python 2.6 or earlier, we need to wrap our executions count in a list so that it can be mutated.

Eli Courtwright
if for example a method with the @logged attribute means method = logged(method) , how is a method with a @max_execs(5) "translated"?
It's the same as saying max_execs(5)(f)
Eli Courtwright
+11  A: 

This is what I whipped up. It doesn't use a class, but it does use function attributes:

def max_execs(n=5):
    def decorator(fn):
        fn.max = n
        fn.called = 0
        def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
            fn.called += 1
            if fn.called <= fn.max:
                return fn(*args, **kwargs)
                # Replace with your own exception, or something
                # else that you want to happen when the limit
                # is reached
                raise RuntimeError("max executions exceeded")
        return wrapped
    return decorator

max_execs returns a functioned called decorator, which in turn returns wrapped. decoration stores the max execs and current number of execs in two function attributes, which then get checked in wrapped.

Translation: When using the decorator like this:

def f():
    print "hi!"

You're basically doing something like this:

f = max_execs(5)(f)
when applying this decorator, how is the code "translated" by python? For example if my method is called blabla, and I apply the max_execs attribute, how will Python see it? blabla = max_execs(5)(blabla) ?
I updated the answer to include the translation, but you have the right idea.
+2  A: 

Without relying to a state in a class, you have to save the state (count) in the function itself:

def max_execs(count):
    def new_meth(meth):
        meth.count = count
        def new(*a,**k):
            meth.count -= 1
            print meth.count            
            if meth.count>=0:
                return meth(*a,**k)
        return new
    return new_meth

def f():
    print "invoked"

[f() for _ in range(10)]

It gives:

Oops, mipadi was faster with a similar solution.
+1  A: 

This method does not modify function internals, instead wraps it into a callable object.

Using class slows down execution by ~20% vs using the patched function!

def max_execs(n=1):
    class limit_wrapper:
        def __init__(self, fn, max):
            self.calls_left = max
            self.fn = fn
        def __call__(self,*a,**kw):
            if self.calls_left > 0:
                self.calls_left -= 1
                return self.fn(*a,**kw)
            raise Exception("max num of calls is %d" % self.i)

    def decorator(fn):
        return limit_wrapper(fn,n)

    return decorator

def fun():
    print "called"