I have a function in a package that returns a REF CURSOR to a RECORD. I am trying to call this function from a code block. The calling code looks like this:
a_record package_name.record_name;
cursor c_symbols is select package_name.function_name('argument') from dual;
open c_symbols;
fetch c_symbols into a_record;
exit when c_symbols%notfound;
end loop;
close c_symbols;
The function declaration as part of package_name looks something like this:
TYPE record_name IS RECORD(
field_a varchar2(20);
TYPE record_cursor IS REF CURSOR RETURN record_name;
FUNCTION getsymbols(argument IN varchar2) return record_cursor;
When I try to run the calling code block, I get the exception: PLS-00386: type mismatch found at 'EXAMPLE_SYMBOLS' between FETCH cursor and INTO variables.
What should the type of a_record be and how can I access individual elements of the record I am fetching(of type record_name)?