



Ok, so this is more of a point-of-view question or something. So I have several tableviews that are backed by NSFetchedResultsControllers. So I was thinking about implementing paging for these tableviews but I'm not sure if it makes sense to do so. Quoting from the apple NSFetchedResultsController docs:

"When you tell the controller to execute the fetch, the instance efficiently collects information about the results without the need to bring all the result objects into memory at the same time. As you access the results, objects are automatically faulted into memory in batches to match likely access patterns, and objects from previous accessed disposed of. This behavior further serves to keep memory requirements low, so even if you traverse a collection containing tens of thousands of objects, you should never have more than tens of them in memory at the same time."

So given this information does it make sense to page these tableviews? Wouldn't this kind of be like re-inventing the wheel?

Apologies if this seems like a stupid question! :-)