



In my git repo which is tracking a svn repo I have made a number of edits to a single file.

Now I want to revert those changes(like svn revert), but only portions of the file.

I want to be able to view the diffs on the file, discard(revert) the changes that I don't want and retain the changes I want.


git add -i

command seems to have an option to do that but I don't want to stage this yet.

+1  A: 

You could run git diff on the file, save the resulting diff, edit it to remove the changes you do want to save, then run it through patch -R to undo the remaining diffs.

git diff file.txt >patch.tmp
# edit patch.tmp to remove the hunks you want to keep
patch -R <patch.tmp
Greg Hewgill
I had 2 hunks in my patch file and removed one. Not sure whats the reason but the patch -R keeps getting rejected with this.
You mention in another comment that `git diff` shows the whole file as changed. This usually happens when you've saved the file using different line endings from what it was previously. This would also cause `patch` to reject the patch file. Does that sound like what might have happened?
Greg Hewgill
you are right. the line endings are getting toggled whenever I use the patch command. I am on windows and using cream/vim. Need to sort this out first I think.
I was unable to resolve the issue with patch on windows. Though I am sure this works I prefer to use Paolo's recipe. For the love of those interactive commands to work with the diffs using git add -i.
+1  A: 

Looks like you want

 git revert --no-commit $REVSISON

You can then use

 git diff --cached

to see what change will be made before commiting ( as reverting is just a commit in a forwards direction that replicates the inverse of a change in the past )

If you were with a pure Git repository, you could possibly, depending on your goals, utilise interactive rebase ( git rebase -i ) to go back to the commit you didn't like and edit the commit retroactively so that the changes you don't like never happened, but thats generally only for if you KNOW you'll never want to see it again.

Kent Fredric
I did revert as you mentioned to a previous revision(is that correct?) and now git diff just shows the whole file as changed. It is supposed to show the edits that I had done?
its supposed to show the changes "backed out"
Kent Fredric
+7  A: 

You can do it like this:

git add -i

(select the hunks you want to keep)

git commit -m "tmp"

Now you have a commit with only the changes you want to keep, and the rest is unstaged.

git reset --hard HEAD

At this point, uncommitted changes have been discarded, so you have a clean working directory, with the changes you want to keep committed on top.

git reset --mixed HEAD^

This removes the last commit ('tmp'), but keeps the modifications in your working directory, unstaged.

EDIT: replaced --soft with --mixed, to clean up the staging area.

Paolo Capriotti
this will commit the changes that I want to keep isn't it? I don't want to commit those changes yet. mm maybe I am taking commits too seriously. Maybe I should relax now since it is all in a local repo.btw what does git reset --soft HEAD^ do?
"git reset --soft HEAD^" undoes a commit in a sense that it keeps working directory and index like it was, and moves current branch one commit back.
Jakub Narębski
Thanks Jakub. Paolo why would a soft reset to head - 1 be required here? the partial commit and the hard reset should be enough isn't it to keep some changes and discard others?
This works as mentioned.
+1  A: 

Re-reading the question, it sounds like you want to revert changes that are in your working tree and not changes that have been previously committed but some of the other answers make it sound like my reading may be wrong. Can you clarify?

If the changes are just in your working copy then the easiest way to do this is to stage the changes you want to keep with:

git add -i <file>

Then throw away the changes that you don't want to keep by checking out the index version:

git checkout -- <file>

Then unstage the changes if you don't want them staged yet:

git reset -- <file>

This recipe only reverts selected changes to the file (or files that you specify) and doesn't create any temporary commit that then needs reverting.

If you want to selectively apply only some of the changes made in previous commits then you can reset a file to a previous committed state first:

git reset <commit_before_first_unwanted_change> -- <file>

Then you can follow the previous recipe of git add -i <file> to stage those changes that you want to keep, git checkout -- <file> to throw away the unwanted changes and git reset -- <file> to 'unstage' the changes.

Charles Bailey
+7  A: 

I believe you can do it most simply with:

git checkout -p <optional filename(s)>

From the manpage:

   −p, −−patch
       Interactively select hunks in the difference between the <tree−ish>
       (or the index, if unspecified) and the working tree. The chosen
       hunks are then applied in reverse to the working tree (and if a
       <tree−ish> was specified, the index).
       This means that you can use git checkout −p to selectively discard
       edits from your current working tree.
Daniel Stutzbach
This really should be the accepted answer, it does exactly what you want.