I'm not sure if this is for SO or not. I am reading some of my old math textbooks and trying to understand math in general. Not how to figure something. I can do that but rather what is it that math is doing.
I'm sure this is painfully obvious but I never thought about it until I thought more about game programming. Is it right to think about math as the "language" that is used to explain, precisely explain, why things work?
I'm having a hard time asking it and again, I'm sure it's obvious to most, but after years of math I'm finally thinking when someone asks to "find the equation of a line" that people recognized certain characteristics of a line (y=mx+b) in space and found relationship. They needed something beside a huge paragraph (like this one) and something very precise. We call this math and at its base it's nothing more than a symbolic way to represent things.
Really, I was thinking, "I know why they said 'find the equation of a line'."
So now I am thinking, not just googling for a formula that tells me how to turn a curve with a walking man or follow a path, but why and how do I represent this mathematically and then programatically.
Just hoping for comments on math in programming.