I have created aand sent a short email with a .txt attachment in an iPhone app.
If the attachment is about 10 lines long, GMail opens it just fine.
If it's more than 20 or so lines, GMail chokes - it won't open the attachment, download the attachment, or even forward the email.
Also, if I send the same email to my colleague and he opens it with his Mac OS Mail client, everything works fine.
For example, the following is the content of the text file (this length will open in GMail just fine):
-0.0724487,-0.941833,-0.235458,2009-07-11 15:18:46 -0700
-0.0724487,-0.941833,-0.271683,2009-07-11 15:18:47 -0700
-0.0724487,-0.923721,-0.253571,2009-07-11 15:18:48 -0700
-0.0543365,-0.923721,-0.326019,2009-07-11 15:18:49 -0700
-0.0724487,-0.959946,-0.181122,2009-07-11 15:18:50 -0700
-0.0543365,-0.923721,-0.253571,2009-07-11 15:18:51 -0700
-0.108673,-0.923721,-0.380356,2009-07-11 15:18:52 -0700
-0.0724487,-0.923721,-0.271683,2009-07-11 15:18:53 -0700
211.421,2009-07-11 15:18:46 -0700
206.421,2009-07-11 15:18:49 -0700
184.421,2009-07-11 15:18:50 -0700
195.421,2009-07-11 15:18:51 -0700
198.421,2009-07-11 15:18:53 -0700
If the file is twice this size, GMail can't deal ith it, but once again Mail can. So, what might be the problem? I created the email as follows:
SKPSMTPMessage *testMsg = [[SKPSMTPMessage alloc] init];
testMsg.fromEmail = @"founders@gmail.com";
testMsg.toEmail = @"andrewljohnson@trailbehind.com";
testMsg.relayHost = @"smtp3.webfaction.com";
testMsg.requiresAuth = YES;
testMsg.login = @"andrewljohnson";
testMsg.pass = @"********";
testMsg.subject = @"iPhone Instrument Readings";
testMsg.wantsSecure = YES; // smtp.gmail.com doesn't work without TLS!
testMsg.delegate = self;
NSDictionary *plainPart = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"text/plain",kSKPSMTPPartContentTypeKey, @"Hey Kevin,\nHere are some GPS readings for you to filter.\n\nLove, \nTrailBehind",kSKPSMTPPartMessageKey,@"8bit",kSKPSMTPPartContentTransferEncodingKey,nil];
NSData *fileData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:fileName];
NSDictionary *attached = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"text/directory;\r\n\tx-unix-mode=0644;\r\n\tname=\"readings.txt\"",kSKPSMTPPartContentTypeKey, @"attachment;\r\n\tfilename=\"readings.txt\"",kSKPSMTPPartContentDispositionKey,[fileData encodeBase64ForData],kSKPSMTPPartMessageKey,@"base64",kSKPSMTPPartContentTransferEncodingKey,nil];
testMsg.parts = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:plainPart,attached,nil];
[testMsg send];