



When adding new properties to classes, I find myself typing the same things over and over in xcode:

  1. add TYPE *NAME; (in .h interface)
  2. add @property (nonatomic, retain) TYPE *NAME; (in .h)
  3. add @synthesize NAME; (in .m)
  4. add [NAME release]; (in .m dealloc)

(I'm in a non-garbage collected environment.)

How can I do this automatically?

+1  A: 

That sounds about right. IIRC, the Objective-C 2.0 doc says you might be able to leave out step #1, but otherwise I don't know of any shortcuts.

You could probably write a user script to do so within Xcode. See

Robert Sanders

According to the Developer Documentation in 64bit runtimes you can leave out step 1.


You could look at Andrew Pang's RMModelObject - I haven't used it, but it acts as a object base class that simplifies model creation.

I haven't used it, but here's some of what's highlighted in the readme:

  • no need to declare instance variables,
  • no need to write accessor methods,
  • free NSCopying protocol support (-copyWithZone:),
  • free NSCoding protocol support (-initWithCoder:, -encodeWithCoder:),
  • free -isEqual: and -hash` implementation,
  • no need to write -dealloc in most cases.

Here's another solution which I modified from this article (also see the initial article)

The version in the blog was searching for variables outside of the variable declaration block and was matching method names too. I have done a crude fix to only search for variables before the first '}'. This will break if there are multiple interface declarations in the header file.

I set the output to "Replace Document Conents" and input as "Entire Document" ....


thisfile = '''%%%{PBXFilePath}%%%'''
code = '''%%%{PBXAllText}%%%'''
selmark = '''%%%{PBXSelection}%%%'''

import re

if thisfile.endswith('.h'):
    variableEnd = code.find('\n', code.find('}'))
    properties = []
    memre = re.compile('\s+(?:IBOutlet)?\s+([^\-+@].*? \*?.*?;)')
    for match in memre.finditer(code[:variableEnd]):
        member =
        retain = member.find('*') != -1 and ', retain' or ''
        property = '@property (nonatomic%s) %s' % (retain,member)
        if code.find(property) == -1:
    if properties:
        print '%s\n\n%s%s%s%s' % (code[:variableEnd],selmark,'\n'.join(properties),selmark,code[variableEnd:])
elif thisfile.endswith('.m'):
    headerfile = thisfile.replace('.m','.h')
    properties = []
    retains = []
    propre = re.compile('@property\s\((.*?)\)\s.*?\s\*?(.*?);')
    header = open(headerfile).read()
    for match in propre.finditer(header):
        if'retain') != -1:
        property = '@synthesize %s;' %
        if code.find(property) == -1:
    pindex = code.find('\n', code.find('@implementation'))
    if properties and pindex != -1:
        output = '%s\n\n%s%s%s' % (code[:pindex],selmark,'\n'.join(properties),selmark)
        if retains:
            dindex = code.find('\n', code.find('(void)dealloc'))
            output += code[pindex:dindex]
            retainsstr = '\n\t'.join(['[%s release];' % retain for retain in retains])
            output += '\n\t%s' % retainsstr
            pindex = dindex
        output += code[pindex:]
        print output

There is Kevin Callahan's Accessorizer. From the web page:

Accessorizer selects the appropriate property specifiers based on ivar type - and can also generate explicit accessors (1.0) automagically ... but Accessorizer does much, much more ...

Peter N Lewis