




Can the default destructor be generated as a virtual destructor automatically?

If I define a base class but no default destructor, is there a default virtual destructor generated automatically?

+1  A: 

No. You need to declare it as virtual.

Michael Aaron Safyan
+12  A: 

No. There is a cost associated with making a method virtual, and C++ has a philosophy of not making you pay for things that you don't explicitly state that you want to use. If a virtual destructor would have been generated automatically, you would have been paying the price automatically.

Why not just define an empty virtual destructor?

+6  A: 

Uri and Michael are right -- I'll just add that if what's bugging you is having to touch two files to declare and define the destructor, it's perfectly all right to define a minimal one inline in the header:

class MyClass
   // define basic destructor right here
   virtual ~MyClass(){}

   // but these functions can be defined in a different file
   void FuncA();
   int FuncB(int etc);
Actually I think you'll find that when you link this, you'll get an undefined reference to MyClass' vtable.
You'll only get an "undefined reference to vtable" error if you're using GCC and you don't define FuncA and FuncB non-inline, and that's only because GCC has failed to emit all the necessary stuff to allow for proper linking.
Rob Kennedy
I'm surprised by this, why would this cause a linking problem? Can someone elaborate?
I do it all the time and it links just fine in MSVC, not to mention that the C++ standard explicitly allows for this. I guess it's a bug in GCC.
+2  A: 

No, all destructor's are by default NOT virtual.

You will need to define a virtual destructor on all the base classes

In addition to that.

To quote Scott Meyers in his book "Effective C++":

The C++ language standard is unusually clear on this topic. When you try to delete a derived class object through a base class pointer and the base class has a non-virtual destructor (as EnemyTarget does), the results are undefined

In practice, it's usually a good idea to define a class with a virtual destructor if you think that someone might eventually create a derived class from it. I tend to just make all classes have virtual destructor's anyway. Yes, there is a cost associated with that, but the cost of not making it virtual more often that not out weighs a measly bit of run-time overhead.

I suggest, only make it non-virtual when you're absolutely certain that you want it that way rather than the rely on the default non-virtual that the compilers enforce. You may disagree, however (in summary) I recently had a horrid memory leak on some legacy code where all I did was add a std::vector into one of the classes that had existed for several years. It turns out that one of it's base classes didn't have a destructor defined (default destructor is empty, non-virtual!) and as no memory was being allocated like this before no memory leaked until that point. Many days of investigation and time wasted later...

Matt H

Yes, by inheriting from a base class with a virtual destructor. In this case, you already pay the price for a polymorphic class (e.g. vtable).
