




I'm using maven cxf-codegen-plugin to generate java web service files from wsdl. The plugin works fine if I'm trying to generate the files in the default output directory (target\generated-sources\cxf), but if I'm trying to generate them in other directory by using:


in my pom.xml, the files are generated only if I do:

mvn clean eclipse:eclipse

If I do

mvn eclipse:eclipse

without 'clean' the files are not generated...

Does anyone have any idea....?

My pom:


Thanks, Alon

+1  A: 

You are better off setting the sourceRoot below the target directory so it is cleaned along with other content, e.g.:


To ensure the plugin always executes, you need to bind it to a phase, e.g.

Rich Seller

It's really better to set the sourceRoot below the target directory, but unfortunately I have to generate them in other directory. I did the change you've suggested, and it still didn't work:


Well I found the problem, Very embarrassing... Because I didn't update the wsdl, the plugin did not generate the files...

Anyway, the apache cfx documentation states that: For CXF 2.1.4 and latter you don't need anymore to specify the , as generate-sources is the default.

Thanks for your help

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