




Is there anyway to have a label wordwrap text as needed? I have the line breaks set to word wrap and the label is tall enough for two lines, but it appears that it will only wrap on line breaks. Do I have to add line breaks to make it wrap properly? I just want it to wrap if it can't fit it in horizontally.

+6  A: 

if you set numberOfLines to 0 (and the label to word wrap), the label will automatically wrap and use as many of lines as needed.

If you're editing a UILabel in IB, you can enter multiple lines of text by pressing alt-return to get a line break - return will finish editing.

Kendall Helmstetter Gelner
To clarify for noobs like myself, this would be: cell.textLabel.numberOfLines = 0; cell.textLabel.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap;
That sounds correct.
Kendall Helmstetter Gelner

UILabel has a property lineBreakMode that you can set.

"I have the line breaks set to word wrap ". This only wraps on actual line breaks, it won't automatically break once it is to long.