How can I make Data::Dumper
write a dump into a file?
Don't forget that you can specify the file handle to print
to as in
print $LOG Dumper( \%some_complex_hash );
or use File::Slurp:
write_file 'mydump.log', Dumper( \%some_complex_hash );
Further thoughts: You might want to get into the habit of using:
warn Dumper( \%some_complex_hash );
and redirecting standard error to a file when you invoke your script (how you do this depends on the shell). For example:
C:\Temp> 2>dump
Sinan Ünür
2009-07-14 15:18:36
I'm curious: what advantage does File::Slurp offer here?
2009-07-14 16:35:06
If all I want is to dump a complex data structure to a file for debugging purposes, it is more self contained than open / print / close: no filehandles or error messages to mess with.
Sinan Ünür
2009-07-14 16:40:53
The question is a bit unclear, but are you looking for something like this?
open my $FH, '>', 'outfile';
print $FH Dumper(\%data);
close $FH;
You can restore the data later by using eval
Michiel Buddingh'
2009-07-14 15:20:47
For storing and restoring later, Storable is a much better idea than Data::Dumper + eval:
2009-07-14 16:37:11
Telemachus is correct. Storable, YAML, JSON, DBM::Deep or any of one million other serialization modules is a better choice than Data::Dumper + eval.
2009-07-14 17:01:27