I have been reading about collision detection in games on stackoverflow and other sites. A lot of them talk about BSPs, bounding elipses, integration etc. However, on the NES, they managed to do floor and wall collision detection in games and I find it hard to believe that they did many calculations to detect wall collisions.
I guess my question is, given a level made up of just tiles, how did they detect collisions with walls and floors in games like Mario and Megaman which had little processing power?
- Did they follow the path of motion and determine the closest connecting tile? (a bit of searching) (priori)
- Did they determine a collision with the floor and then figure out the best way of adjusting the character? (posteriori) This is risky with variable timesteps, you could jump through a tile if you were fast enough. Although I assume NES games timesteps were synced with the tv's refresh rate.
- Is gravity always affecting your character when you're on the ground? Or do you just 'turn it off' when you're determined to be walking on a tile? What about when you walk off an edge of the cliff? You'd need some sort of way of determining tiles underneath you otherwise.
- If you've collided with a tile, would you just find the edge of that tile and move your character to the side of it (depending on the direction of travel)?
- what about sloping tiles like in super metroid and mario?
- What about 'platforms' where you can jump through the bottom and land on top. How would you deal with collisions with these tiles if you were doing it 'posteriori'?
I have written some collision code that is basically 'priori' as it searches for the first tile you will hit in a certain direction. I'm just wondering if there's a better way. (just using after-the-fact collision detection instead maybe)
eg, code to check for tile collisions for moving downward (I check vert then horizontal movement):
def tile_search_down(self, char, level):
y_off = char.vert_speed
assert y_off > 0
# t_ are tile coordintes
# must be int.. since we're adding to it.
t_upper_edge_y = int( math.ceil((char.y+char.h) / self.tile_height ) ) #lowest edge
while (t_upper_edge_y*self.tile_height) < (char.y+char.h+y_off): # lowest edge + offset
t_upper_edge_x = int( math.floor(char.x/self.tile_width) )
while (t_upper_edge_x*self.tile_width) < (char.x+char.w):
t_x = t_upper_edge_x
t_y = t_upper_edge_y
if self.is_tile_top_solid(t_x, t_y, plane):
char.y = t_y*self.tile_height - char.h
char.vert_speed = 0.0
char.on_ground = True
t_upper_edge_x += 1
t_upper_edge_y += 1
char.y += y_off