



I'm working on a C# project that uses System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand class to create and alter tables in an MS Access DB. I generate the SQL statement, pass it to the object, then call the ExecuteNonQuery function. I was able to figure out the proper MS Access SQL syntax to create columns of the following Access data types:

Currency:   ALTER TABLE table-name ADD COLUMN column-name MONEY
Date/Time:  ALTER TABLE table-name ADD COLUMN column-name DATE
Memo:       ALTER TABLE table-name ADD COLUMN column-name MEMO|TEXT
Number:     ALTER TABLE table-name ADD COLUMN column-name NUMBER
OLE Object: ALTER TABLE table-name ADD COLUMN column-name OLEOBJECT
Text:       ALTER TABLE table-name ADD COLUMN column-name CHARACTER
Yes/No:     ALTER TABLE table-name ADD COLUMN column-name BIT

The only type I haven't figured out how to create is Hyperlink. Does anyone know the syntax for that one?

+1  A: 

There is no real concept in sql of a datatype of hyperlink. You would store the url as you would any text and then when you're using it in your application you would create the hyperlink on that end.

Well, there is a concept of a hyperlink in MS Access. It is one of the available data types, so I figured there must be a way to create it in MS Access SQL.
A Hyperlink in MS Access is not a datatype but rather an object you can put on your access forms.
Ok, I'm convinced it can't be done.
+1  A: 

You would use two CHARACTER fields to represent the content of a hyperlink, one that contains the URL to the resource you want the hyperlink to link to (stored as plain text), and another that would hold the text that's shown in the browser (that is, if the text shown in the browser is different from the URL itself).

When displaying the link in a webpage in C#, you can create a hyperlink:

Hyperlink hyp1 = new Hyperlink
hyp1.Text = datarow.DisplayText
hyp1.NavigateURL = datarow.TargetURL
+3  A: 

This is a case where you can't use DDL but must use DAO. What you're looking for is the .Attributes property of the DAO Field type. In VBA, this code does the trick (you'll have to figure out how to do this with DAO in C#):

  Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
  Dim fld As DAO.Field

  Set tdf = CurrentDB.TableDefs("MyTable")
  Set fld = tdf.CreateField("Hyperlink", dbMemo) ' dbMemo = 12
  fld.Attributes = dbHyperlinkField ' 32768
  tdf.Fields.Append fld
  Set fld = Nothing
  Set tdf = Nothing

If you check the data type of this field in Access:


it returns 12, which is equal to the VBA global constant dbMemo (that's how I figured out how to do it, i.e., created a Hyperlink field in the Access UI, then checked its datatype). The value for dbHyperlinkField is 32768, but cannot be assigned directly as a data type -- it is instead a sub-attribute of a memo field.

This is a case of Access extending Jet by using a custom attribute for it to work with the data differently than the limited number of Jet data types. It's also clear that the Hyperlink field type is only relevant if you're using the data from Access itself. If you're using some other application to work with the data, you're gaining nothing at all from using a hyperlink data field.

Also, I'm with those who recommend not using a field of type Hyperlink because I've tried it and it's just a pain in the ass. Also, given that it's really a memo field, it's subject to all the problems that come with memo fields. That is, the data is not actually stored with the data table -- all that's stored in the main record is a pointer to the data page where the real data is stored, and those pointers are one of the frailer parts of Jet. Memos are worth that risk, because when you need to store more than 255 characters, you need to do it. I can't see that there's any significant functionality added by the Access-specific Hyperlink field type that it's worth the trouble in working with it in code or the risk that comes from the fact that it's implemented behind the scenes as a memo field.

@onedayone: Please do not edit my posts so that they say something I did not say. If you want to add in a discussion of ADOX, then do it yourself. None of the content of my post discussed ADOX nor gave instructions on how to use it, and by editing it, you changed the thrust of my post. Please do not do that.
See the faq: "this site is collaboratively edited. If you are not comfortable with the idea of your questions and answers being edited by other trusted users, this may not be the site for you."
I edit your answer because a) it was good; b) because you implied there was a compulsion to use DAO; c) the OP is already using OLE DB therefore ADO is a better fit because is also used OLE DB.
Joel Spolsky: "I'd really like to see people editing answers to make them better rather than providing new answers. Editing definitely runs the risk of muddying the "ownership" of an answer, as multiple people contribute to the "best" answer. Tough. This isn't a site for egoists, who should feel free to go back to the old days of single-author book publishing. It's a place for team players who want to work together to provide great answers." (
The answer you created by editing is NOT MY ANSWER and I don't want my name attached to it. I've rolled it back to my original. Please don't do this again. This is about authorship and you changed my answer in several very major ways. That's not an edit, but a rewrite, and it's no longer my answer, because it doesn't say what I want it to say. Post your own answer.
As to "you implied there was a compulsion to use DAO" why not add a comment, or post a new answer that explains the other ways to accomplish the task. It's not a reason to so drastically alter my post.
"The answer you created by editing is NOT MY ANSWER and I don't want my name attached to it" -- that's what Community Wiki is for.
This is about authorship by Joel Spolsky: "I'd really like to see people editing answers to make them better rather than providing new answers.Editing definitely runs the risk of muddying the "ownership" of an answer, as multiple people contribute to the "best" answer. Tough. This isn't a site for egoists, who should feel free to go back to the old days of single-author book publishing. It's a place for team players who want to work together to provide great answers" (
This from the faq: "At the high end of this reputation spectrum there is little difference between users with high reputation and moderators. That is very much intentional. We don't run Stack Overflow. The community does... Like Wikipedia, this site is collaboratively edited. If you are not comfortable with the idea of your questions and answers being edited by other trusted users, this may not be the site for you."
You know I don't give a rat's ass about what Spolsky says. Yes, I know the site is his baby, but you can't have a site that tracks reputation and then claim that authorship doesn't matter. Those two things are completely at odds with each other. I still believe that a much better use of your time in this thread would be to create an answer of your own that gives the full instructions on the ADOX approach. Since you're being a dickhead, I'll not rollback again, but I was sorely tempted to entirely delete my answer.
+1  A: 

I had a play around with this with ADOX in C# and the only way I found to do it was set the "Jet OLEDB:Hyperlink" property after creating the column in the table but before actually adding the table to the Tables collection.

The following example requires a COM reference to Microsoft ADO Ext. 2.8 for DDL and Security:

ADOX.Catalog cat = new CatalogClass();    
cat.let_ActiveConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" + 
    "Data Source=C:\\Tempo\\Test_Access2007.accdb");

ADOX.Table tbl = new ADOX.TableClass();
tbl.Name = "TestHyperlink";

tbl.Columns.Append("my_hyperlink", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adLongVarWChar, 0);

ADOX.Column col = tbl.Columns["my_hyperlink"];

col.ParentCatalog = cat;
col.Properties["Jet OLEDB:Hyperlink"].Value = true;

Looks like it works for me, thanks.
Here's something official documenting this behavior (look in the table). Seems to say exactly what you coded:

I had a update problem a hyperlink datatype field in qsl update construction. After start UPDATE (sql-command) hyperlink datatype field worked as the usual text. The decision: It is necessary to place text value of hyperlink between characters "#". For example: UPDATE Table1 SET Table1.HypLinkTypeField = "#http://h00-srv-9:8080/browse/xxxxxxx#";

Regards, YuSam
