



Every time I test my program, I have to go through a bunch of the same keystrokes and mouse clicks. I am looking for a tool to automate this like a Macro recorder. The tool needs to save the clicks and keystrokes one time. Then every time my program runs, I hit a keyboard shortcut and it does its work.

I see a lot of such shareware tools. Any good free ones?

+3  A: 

AutoHotkey is good for this. It's free, and can do lots of stuff from simple recording to complex macros.


This works very well for me. Even though it does cost some money to register, the demo version has full functionality with no constraints (as far as I know). It converts your mouse and keystrokes into editable text files which are really convenient.

Robert McIntyre
+4  A: 

I have found AutoIT to be great.

It is a very powerful tool, which does more than record just mouse clicks. Using scripting, you can work with the controls in the application.

It is freeware.
This is a nice tool. I compiled the macro and in my app's winform shown event handler, I placed code to run it. So now when my app runs, it runs the playback. This is a huge time saver. Very cool. Thanks.
Great, I'm glad it's working for you.

I have used Perl's Win32::GuiTest for some fun and also for serious testing. It does not record key strokes.

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