



I currently have a hideous delay based chat app in my learning management system (rails based) but want to explore other options. The jabber approach seems cool, and there is can_has_chat, but on their google code page there is a notice about the potential for trouble with many sleeping mongrel instances. Doesn't seem like a good way to go really.

I'd be keen to hear from others what they've used to solve this problem?

+3  A: 

Have a look at Juggernaut:

And Rails Chat:

Reuben Mallaby
Thanks Reuben :) That's exactly what I was looking for :)
Brendon Muir
Just wanted to follow this up, Juggernaut is awesome! It fulfilled all my requirements bar one, which was easy to implement anyway and I submitted a patch to the gem sourcecode on github (my first time!). Took a crusty old polling based chat application and turned it into a responsive solid app! :) Thanks for the pointer :)
Brendon Muir
It seems now there are a few other ways to do it. One framework is called node.js:
Brendon Muir
Actually it seems that node.js is behind Juggernaut: Looks like I'll be updating my Juggernaut version to take advantage! :)
Brendon Muir

Open Source Group chat

That's more like a social network app isn't it? Perhaps you can elaborate?
Brendon Muir