I have my application(VC MFC) run with gflags with Pageheap enabled to track down the page heap corruption.
Now the application has crashed and it shows this error, i could not interpret these lines (other than having a feeel of resource inavailablity)
Can anyone throw a light on what exactly is the reason that has caused the carsh of the app.
[info : Application is a multithreaded one about 500 threads running,in a multi - processor machine)
kernel32!RaiseException+53 msvcrt!_CxxThrowException+36 mfc42u!AfxThrowResourceException+19 mfc42u!AfxRegisterWndClass+ab mfc42u!CAsyncSocket::AttachHandle+5c mfc42u!CAsyncSocket::Socket+25 mfc42u!CAsyncSocket::Create+14
Pls help