I'm trying to get my arduino with ethernet shield set up as a server to understand GET and POST requests. I found this, and could modify it to meet my needs, but was wondering if something already exists in C++ that is extremely lightweight and might already be commonly used for arduinos with ethernet shields.
I've previously used the Abyss Web Server for embedding a small, lightweight C++ web server into Linux programs. Hopefully this will have a low enough footprint for you.
Mike McQuaid
2009-07-26 16:52:15
I'd need access to the source code to trim out what I want (my entire compiled program needs to be under 30K)
2009-08-02 02:29:37
I've used Webduino with my Arduino ethernet shield. It handles GET and POST requests, and reads query string parameters.
Martin Owen
2009-08-01 23:55:50