EPROCESS reference
The EPROCESS structure is an opaque
structure that serves as the process
object for a process.
Some routines, such as
PsGetProcessCreateTimeQuadPart, use
EPROCESS to identify the process to
operate on. Drivers can use the
PsGetCurrentProcess routine to obtain
a pointer to the process object for
the current process and can use the
ObReferenceObjectByHandle routine to
obtain a pointer to the process object
that is associated with the specified
handle. The PsInitialSystemProcess
global variable points to the process
object for the system process.
Note that a process object is an
Object Manager object. Drivers should
use Object Manager routines such as
ObReferenceObject and
ObDereferenceObject to maintain the
object’s reference count.
This means, that you shouldn't care about what the members of a the process structure are. Nevertheless there are sources which detail the layout of the process structure.
This book has a more in detail description what the individual members are.