I've got a form with a large TImage on it as a background. Problem is, this is stored directly in the DFM as a bitmap, which takes up about 3 MB. The original PNG file is ~250K. I'd like to try to reduce bloat by embedding the PNG in a resource, and then having the form load it during OnCreate. I can do that now that Delphi 2009 includes PNG support, except I don't quite know how to build a resource file with a PNG in it. Anyone know how that's done?
Example text file (named myres.rc):
MYPNG RCDATA mypng.png
Added to project:
{$R 'myres.res' 'myres.rc'}
Example of loading at runtime:
Png: TPngImage;
Png := TPngImage.Create;
Png.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'MYPNG');
Image1.Picture.Graphic := Png; // Image1: TImage on the form
If you're using Delphi 2009, TImage should store your PNG file as a PNG into the DFM file. The DFM will be larger because the binary content of the Picture.Data property of the TImage object is encoded in the DFM as hexadecimal text. But when the DFM is compiled into your EXE, it is compiled into a binary resource. Your image should then take up the same space inside the form's RCDATA resource as storing the PNG in its own RCDATA resource would.
I just tested this by opening one of my own Delphi 2009 DFM files that have a TImage component with a PNG image loaded at design time in a text editor, copying the contents of the Picture.Data property and pasting them into a hex editor. The hex editor shows me that the Picture.Data property stores an actual PNG file prefixed with 10 bytes. The first byte is $09 and the next 9 bytes spell TPngImage. If I delete those 10 bytes and save the file in the hex editor, I get a proper PNG file.
So if you're using Delphi 2009, simply load the PNG image into a TImage component at design time.
pretty similar to my example: http://www.ciuly.com/index.php/delphi/article/delphi/7-multimedia/10-pngfromresource.html