I always use one folder on my filesystem for an Xcode project. It contains all project files. When I zip it and send it to a friend, she can't just ipen the xcodeproj file. It opens, but all paths are broken and build fails because all the classes don't find the #include'd files. But when I download i.e. some example projects from apple, these work perfectly. What am I doing wrong?
I'm doing it like this:
1) I create a project and specify an directory on my desktop
2) In that directory I create an "images" directory and add images to it
3) I pull this images directory out and drag it into the Resources Groups&Files. Xcode asks if I want to copy it to destination folder, I click no. Because it's already there. All other things are set to default.
4) all other things are just created within xcode, and xcode just puts all classes in the Classes directory of my project.
5) when I want to add images, I first put them in the directory of the project, and from there drag them into the Images group in xcode. That's to make sure xcode doesn't mess them up with everything else. Otherwise it would just copy them to the root of my project directory rather than inside the Images directory, which doesn't make sense. In fact, the whole Groups&Files filesystem doesn't make sense at all, it's one big mess. Apple's biggest mistake in Xcode so far. That's why I have to do such stupid things.