




I am looking for an alternative to TOAD on Linux. I have Oracle SQL Developer and a VM running TOAD but there are still too many features in TOAD that are not present in other tools. Is there any tool (price is not an issue) that is superior or equivalent to TOAD's features which runs on Linux and is not so damn buggy?

I also tried squirel sql, a bunch of eclipse plugins.

Can anyone vouch for any tool? Brownie points for a tool that has a good sql formatter.

+1  A: 

Aqua Data Studio http://www.aquafold.com/

I tried it... It actually seems pretty decent. The formatter tool is very good compared to Toad (though could use improvement). There is session management. Some of the options are insane (autocommit is on by default vs off... thats insane, default separator is 'go' which is not even valid oracle sqlplus syntax so I can't use generated scripts anywhere outside ADS.)
Dmitriy Likhten

My colleagues swear by Tora.

I tried that long ago. Its like toad, with more bugs and less features. Also windows based.
Dmitriy Likhten
As I understand it also has a Linux version. Cheers!

For mysql sqlyog under wine is king, imho nothing comes close to it.

Sam Saffron

Not sure if you found anything to meet your needs yet, but if not, check out RazorSQL. It does not have session management, but it does have an ok SQL formatter, pretty good PL/SQL editing tools, and most if not all of the other bells and whistles you would expect. It is cross-platform, and it runs very well on Linux, at least on the flavors I've tried it on, and from what I've seen it is very popular on Mac OS X.


Have you looked into Oracle Enterprise Manager(OEM)? It's oracle's push against TOAD and other simple management tools. You install it on your database server and consume via web interface. It's good at single instances and a god sent with RAC. It's not cheap, but you did say money isn't an issue. I used to be a TOAD guy, but learned to love OEM (staring in 10g) for performance tuning RAC.

OEM is more of a management tool, than a sql editor. These GUI tools always only scratch the surface and as soon as you want more than the surface you have to start writing a script. I've always found myself in an basic text editor more than all these GUI tools.
