I need to disable the buttons in UIActionSheet. after some operations i need to enable them again. So is there a way to do this.
I need to disable the buttons in UIActionSheet. after some operations i need to enable them again. So is there a way to do this.
Thees buttons are subviews of UIActionSheet and their class is UIThreePartButton
You can get them and do all that you want:
UIActionSheet *a = [[UIActionSheet alloc]initWithTitle:@"" delegate: nil cancelButtonTitle: @"c" destructiveButtonTitle: @"d" otherButtonTitles: @"ot", nil];
[a showInView: window];
for(UIView *v in [a subviews])
if([[v description] hasPrefix: @"<UIThreePartButton"] )
v.hidden = YES; //hide
//((UIButton*)v).enabled = NO; // disable