I'm trying to migrate a bunch of tests from SimpleTest to PHPUnit and I was wondering if there is an equivalent for SimpleTest's partial mocks.
Update: I can't seem to find anything in the docs which suggests that this feature is available, but it occurred to me that I could just use a subclass. Is this a good or bad idea?
class StuffDoer {
protected function doesLongRunningThing() {
return "stuff";
public function doStuff() {
return $this->doesLongRunningThing();
class StuffDoerTest {
protected function doesLongRunningThing() {
return "test stuff";
class StuffDoerTestCase extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
public function testStuffDoer() {
$sd = new StuffDoerTest();
$result = $sd->doStuff();
$this->assertEquals($result, "test stuff");