this is my table structure,
create table ArticleTbl
ArticleID bigint identity(1,1),
ProductID int ,
ArticleName varchar(100),
PubDate datetime,
AuthorName varchar(50),
AuthorImage bit,
HtmlValues nvarchar(max)
here productid are
1=creditcard,2=prepaidcard,3 saving account,.........
each productid is having multiple rows of records , i want to select latest 2 records of each productid in one shot instead of going to database each time .
my procedure now is like..
create proc USP_GetArticle_ByProduct(@ProductID int) as
select top(2) * from ArticleTbl where ProductID=@ProductID
if i use this procedure each productid i have to go to database...
how to get one shot all product(latest 2 records ) using query????