



Apple says that CIFilter is available in iPhone OS. However, on my mac I couldn't find an CoreImage framework to link against.

filter An optional Core Image filter object that provides the transition.

@property(retain) CIFilter *filter

i.e. when I try to do something like this, it crashes because CIFilter is unknown:

[transition setFilter:[CIFilter filterWithName:@"CIShapedWaterRipple"]];

I linked against:

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
#import <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
+4  A: 

You can't, CIFilter is not available on the phone. Where did you find something saying it was?

Louis Gerbarg
CATransition class reference (3.0 Lib)
"filterAn optional Core Image filter object that provides the transition.@property(retain) CIFilter *filter"
The properties are there, for no known reason (some sick joke on Apple's part I guess :). However there's no way to create a CIFilter object, so they are redundant.
The properties are there because CATransition is supported on both OS X and the iPhone, but not every feature of it is. CoreImage and CoreVideo are generally not available on the phone, so anywhere a class interfaces with them it is a dead stub.
Louis Gerbarg

I found it in sample code in the Core Video Programming Guide. But, there is no import statement in the sample code. So, I have no idea how to access this. It is very frustrating.
