




I know Wt is the most stable of them, but it's a bit uncomfortable to use.
CppCMS sounds good but how stable is it? How secure is it?
I have encountered C++ Server Pages as well but there's nothing about their security in there.
Has anyone had some experience with any of those libraries and can enlight me?

+4  A: 

First of all, several differences:

  1. Wt is GUI like framework, it is quite far from traditional web development. So, if you want to develop a code as if it was GUI it is for you.
  2. CppCMS is traditional MVC framework optimized for performance, it has many features like template engines, forms processing, i18n support, sessions, efficient caching and so on, support of various web server APIs: FastCGI, SCGI and CGI. If you come for Django world, you would find yourself at home.
  3. I'm less familiar with the third project, but it feels more like PHP -- you put the C++ code inside templates and has no clear separation of View and Controller.

Stability, I can tell only about CppCMS, it is stable, and there are applications running it 7/24, the authors blog and the Wiki with documentation of CppCMS are written in CppCMS. So, there shouldn't be major critical bugs.

Disclosure: I'm developer of CppCMS.

I'm developing an embedded application that will eventually have a 3d interface (and I do hope it's possible).What do you think that fits best?
>>I'm developing an embedded application that will eventually have a 3d interface<< What do you mean? >>What do you think that fits best<< Both CppCMS and Wt can be used in embedded applications. CppCMS has an option to be compiler for embedded system as CGI.
True. But do you think it fits for what I'm looking for?
I would suggest to give it a try...
Hmm I'm not sure we have time to build testcases.
So I would say go for CppCMS, it is web framework, it is for C++, IMHO it is good product (see disclosure).. but to be honest... You can't choose product by asking someone else: "does this product fit my needs". You need to learn it and see, if it fits your needs.
**i18n** stands for internationalization. Abbreviations are often unnecessarily confusing.
Dimitri C.

Is there an alternate link to CppCMS? At the time of reading this post ( 12:01 Pacific Standard Time), the link to the site provided was down.

Yes: http://cppcms.sourceforge.net/wikipp/en/page/main
This belongs to the comments.
Thanks. Was not using the "comments" feature till you pointed it out. Will continue to use this from now on. Thanks the_drow.
Thanks Artyom for the link. I need to login to SO more often. Did not realize the benefit of the multi-threaded conversation type format.
+1  A: 

On a side note, I used mod_raii a while ago to rapidly port some parts of an existing C++ application on the web.

It takes exactly the same approach than JSP, with the whole compilation part delegated to the Apache module.

I cannot recommend it for production use, since I don't have much experience in it, but it is definitely something worth playing around with, and I didn't have any issue at the time.

It lacks some features like the support of a preforked apache, but has all the needed core features.

Steve Schnepp
+2  A: 

Hello everyone,

I am the developper of libapache2-mod-raii and I am very disappointed we did not recommend this library for production work... Cause I do ! :)

I also like to point out that the project page is also available in English.

On the other hand, I do not agree with Steve about the fact that servlets are not compiled on the fly, as they are !

Otherwise, on the lacks of prefork support is not my point of view, although I was looking on the issue.

Guillaume Gimenez
+1: I really like mod-raii. I edited my post to reflect your remarks.
Steve Schnepp