There is a number of ways to do it, PyQt4 provides enough information about method names for any object inspecting IDE:
>>> from PyQt4 import QtGui
>>> dir(QtGui.QToolBox)
['Box', ... contextMenuPolicy', 'count', 'create', 'currentChanged'...]
All those functions are built-in. This means that you have to push some IDEs slightly to notice them. Be aware that there are no docstrings in compiled PyQt and methods have a funny signature.
Other possibility is using QScintilla2 and.api file generated during PyQt4 build process. Eric4 IDE is prepared exactly for that.
You can also try Komodo IDE/Edit and a CIX file that I hacked together not so long ago:
Edit: Installation instructions for Komodo 5:
- Edit -> Preferences -> Code Intelligence
- Add an API Catalog...
- Select CIX file, press Open
- There is no point 4.