
Drag & Drop in KListWidget (PyQt/PyKde programming)

I'm developing a little app (precisely it's a KDE4 plasmoid) in PyQt/PyKde. In my app I have a KListWidget filled with some rows, see this picture: I need to implement a drag&drop action for the list rows, for example I should be able to put any file over a row, then the app will send this file to the name on the list. The list has...

Please point me to (good) documentation about QT layouts for plasma development

I am trying to develop a plasmoid in python. I got some good tutorials here ( and they are really helpful, but they don't have documentation or examples about QT layouts and their usage. I haven't programmed with QT, but I know C++ well. So, the resources shouldn't be necessarily python api...

Autocompletion not working with PyQT4 and PyKDE4 in most of the IDEs

I am trying to develop a plasmoid using python. I have tried eclipse with pydev, vim with pythoncomplete, PIDA and also Komodo, but none of them could give me autocmpletion for method names or members for the classes belonging to PyQT4 or PyKDE4. I added the folders in /usr/share/pyshare in the PYTHONPATH list for the IDEs. Do I need ...

Resizing Plasma.Label

I'm writing plasmoid in python and when i'm trying to resize Plasma.Label nothing happens label3= Plasma.Label(self.applet) label3.setImage("/home/dark/fract.png") self.layout.addItem(label3) label3.resize(20,20) Any ideas? ...