I understand it makes sense to exposes the same functionality (interface in WSDL 1.2, portType in WSDL 1.1) under different endpoints (ports in WSDL 1.1), depending on underlying transport protocol (definined by the binding). But what is the sense to put definitions of different services into a single WSDL? Especially, if each service exposes only a single operation?
For instance see the following WSDL file: http://seekda.com/cache?uri=http://score.itsc.uah.edu/services/catalog/SCOOPCatalogServices.wsdl&type=xml
WSDL1.2 specification mentions that "WSDL 1.1 supports having multiple services in a single WSDL file. This has caused confusion amongst users.". They resolve it by allowing "multiple services, where each MAY be of a different service type.". What does it mean -- of different type here?