I want to use Eclipse to develop C++ projects on Linux. Particularly I want to modify stable and widely used open source projects using the Eclipse CDT. One of them is Intel Opencv. There are tutorials to create simple c++ projects like here:
I have seen plenty of tutorials for using Eclipse CDT to write programs in OpenCv like here:
- http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/Eclipse
- http://tommy.chheng.com/development/windows_development_setup.html
- http://tommy.chheng.com/index.php/2009/05/opencv-with-eclipse-on-windows/
However I want to use Eclipse to make changes to the OpenCv platform itself and compile it from there. I really like many of Eclipse's features like:
- Syntax highlighting
- Outline
- Code assist
- Code templates
- Code history
- etc.
Would someone write a small tutorial on how one can make a project in Eclipse from the OpenCv tarball? I would use Eclipse CDT on Linux.
Can Eclipse CDT recognize Makefile as it can do for Ant scripts?