




In git, it is up to each user to specify the correct author in their local git config file. When they push to a centralized bare repository, the commit messages on the repository will have the author names that they used when committing to their own repository.

Is there a way enforce that a set of known authors for commits are used? The "central" repository will be accessible via ssh.

I know that this is complicated by the fact that some people may be pushing commits that were made by others. Of course, you should also only allow people you trust to push to your repositories, but it would be great if there was a way to prevent user error here.

Is there a simple solution to this problem in git?


What you could do is create a bunch of different user accounts, put them all in the same group and give that group write access to the repository. Then you should be able to write a simple incoming hook that checks if the user that executes the script is the same as the user in the changeset.

I've never done it because I trust the guys that check code into my repositories, but if there is a way, that's probably the one explained above.

Armin Ronacher
That doesn't deal with pushing commits that other people have made as part of the change set.
Aaron Maenpaa

git wasn't initially designed to work like svn with a big central repository. Perhaps you can pull from people as needed, and refuse to pull if they have their author set inaccurately?

+2  A: 

If you want to manage rights to an internet facing git repo, I suggest you look at Gitosis rather than whipping up your own. Identity is provided by private/public key pairs.

Read me pimping it here, too.

Err, with gitosis you can still change the author name to something completely random, just change user.name and user.email. Gitosis does not prevent that at all.
+3  A: 

Use the PRE-RECEIVE hook (see [githooks(5)][1] for details). There you get old sha and new sha for each ref updated. And can easily list the changes and check that they have proper author (git rev-list --pretty=format:"%an %ae%n" oldsha..newsha).

Here is an example script:

# This pre-receive hooks checks that all new commit objects
# have authors and emails with matching entries in the files
# valid-emails.txt and valid-names.txt respectively.
# The valid-{emails,names}.txt files should contain one pattern per
# line, e.g:
# ^.*@0x63.nu$
# ^[email protected]$
# To just ensure names are just letters the following pattern
# could be used in valid-names.txt:
# ^[a-zA-Z ]*$


while read oldsha newsha refname ; do
    # deleting is always safe
    if [[ $newsha == $NOREV ]]; then

    # make log argument be "..$newsha" when creating new branch
    if [[ $oldsha == $NOREV ]]; then
    echo $revs
    git log --pretty=format:"%h %ae %an%n" $revs | while read sha email name; do
    if [[ ! $sha ]]; then
        grep -q -f valid-emails.txt <<<"$email" || {
            echo "Email address '$email' in commit $sha not registred when updating $refname"
            exit 1
        grep -q -f valid-names.txt <<<"$name" || {
            echo "Name '$name' in commit $sha not registred when updating $refname"
            exit 1

[1]: http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/githooks.html githooks(5)

Anders Waldenborg
+4  A: 

We use the following to prevent accidental unknown-author commits (for example when doing a fast commit from a customer's server or something). It should be placed in .git/hooks/pre-receive and made executable.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import subprocess
from itertools import islice, izip
import sys

old, new, branch = sys.stdin.read().split()

authors = {
    "John Doe": "[email protected]"

proc = subprocess.Popen(["git", "rev-list", "--pretty=format:%an%n%ae%n", "%s..%s" % (old, new)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
data = [line.strip() for line in proc.stdout.readlines() if line.strip()]

def print_error(commit, author, email, message):
    print "*" * 80
    print "ERROR: Unknown Author!"
    print "-" * 80
    proc = subprocess.Popen(["git", "rev-list", "--max-count=1", "--pretty=short", commit], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    print proc.stdout.read().strip()
    print "*" * 80
    raise SystemExit(1)

for commit, author, email in izip(islice(data, 0, None, 3), islice(data, 1, None, 3), islice(data, 2, None, 3)):
    _, commit_hash = commit.split()
    if not author in authors:
        print_error(commit_hash, author, email, "Unknown Author")
    elif authors[author] != email:
        print_error(commit_hash, author, email, "Unknown Email")
This script only checks first updated ref. One could sneak in bad commits by doing: git push origin goodbranch:foo evilbranch:master
Anders Waldenborg