



I want to list the methods of the class files in the jar using the javap tool. How do I do it so that it lists the methods and members of all the class files in the jar. Right now I am able to do it for just one class at a time.

I am expecting something like if I say

javap java.lang.*

it should enlist the methods and members of all the classes in java.lang package. If javap is not capable of that, are there any such tools available?


First unzip the jar file, this will yield a series of directories for each package, then apply the javap command per directory.

So for example with tomcat you can unzip the catalina-balancer.jar file in webapps\balancer and then use

javap -classpath org\apache\webapp\balancer Rule

which gives

Compiled from ""
interface org.apache.webapp.balancer.Rule{
    public abstract boolean matches(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest);
    public abstract java.lang.String getRedirectUrl();

If you need to do this for all the class files in a package you will need to write a script or program to walk the classpath and strip the .class from the filenames and pass it to javap.

(It would be fairly easy to write in perl/bash/java).

Rudi Bierach
+2  A: 
# Set the JAR name
jar=<JAR NAME>
# Loop through the classes (everything ending in .class)
for class in $(jar -tf $jar | grep '.class'); do 
    # Replace /'s with .'s
    # javap
    javap -classpath $jar ${class//.class/}; 
David Grant