



I ask because I noticed while researching a new laptop, that Lenovo keyboards have the Fn key in the left corner of the keyboard instead of Ctrl (famously it seems).

I also discovered the same configuration is present on Apple laptops.

Obviously Ctrl is used quite frequently by developers: they are often power-users, relying on many shortcuts, and I expect reaching for the bottom left key by touch is a muscle memory thing.

So my question is: Is the positioning of Fn and Ctrl on these laptops a particular problem for developers? Or are there plenty of developers out there who found they got used to this configuration quickly, and it did not impact their productivity?

+4  A: 

I currently own a Lenovo IBM Thinkpad T60p and I intend to buy a new Lenovo once Windows 7 comes out. I have no problems changing between the locations of the CTRL key, since I have a "standard" keyboard at work. There was a (very) small learning curve when I first got my laptop, but it was never a real problem.

Thomas Owens
I use a T60p (and previously a T42, and ...) and have various Macs (I'm typing on a MacBook Pro right now), and have used Sun keyboards too. After an acclimatization period (a few days), the different keyboards are not a problem. And switching isn't a problem either. A bigger problem to me is the absence of a page-up and page-down keys on the MacBook Pro keyboard - but even that I'm adapting to.
Jonathan Leffler
+2  A: 

I've had the exact opposite experience to Thomas. I use 3 different machines and I can't get used to the ctrl key not being where I'm used to it. I think the only real way to know if it's going to work for you is to try it out.

If you can get your hands on a machine to try it out for a couple of weeks, or perhaps even remap your keys, I'd strongly suggest it.

sadly the fn key on the lenovo is hard wired and does not generate scan codes.
Warren P

Actually I never really noticed an issue with my MacBook Pro with respect to the key positions. The biggest problem I have is that my desktop has 3 monitors, while my laptop screen doesn't even have the screen real estate of one of them. That's a bigger drawback in my mind when programming on a laptop than kep placement. I can get used to where the keys are, but I really want my extra screen space.

+1  A: 

I am used to developing on Linux, with a "normal" keyboard. This week I am working remotely, and using a Mac. I find that the location of the keys isn't so much of an issue, as it is possible to remap most of the keys if you really want. Coming from a Linux/Windows world, I find that a lot of functionality on the Mac is optimized for mouse and not keyboard usage. Then again, if you dual-boot into Linux or Windows (or even use them in a VM) the keyboard works as you would expect.

One big issue I find with the Mac keyboard is that Home and End don't work as I would expect, even with an external keyboard plugged in. Apple+Left/Right arrow takes you to the beginning/end of a line, unless you are in a web browser and the focus isn't on a text box in which case (oops!) it takes you back one page in your history! Also, the Mac has no concept of a British keyboard layout (it has one, but the only thing it seems to do is replace # with £, whereas a real British keyboard has keys in lots of different places). If you do run into that issue, you can download British layouts from various places on the interwebs.

Adam Batkin
+2  A: 

I have a Lenovo laptop, and frequently switch back and forth between that and my desktop, which has a standard keyboard. At first, it drove me nuts. Occasionally, I'm still perplexed by failed copy-paste attempts.

I do find that it is a lot less straining on my pinky to press Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V when the Ctrl key is a little closer, though.

ill accept this as its closest to the experience I ended up having. Getting used to the CTRL position is easy... its switching back and forth to normal keyboards that is hard
+1  A: 

I can't speak to the Lenovo, but placement of the Ctrl key isn't as critical for the MacOS, since many of its standard Windows functions are handled by the command key instead.

A. Scagnelli
+1  A: 

I own an old IBM T42 for 1.5 years now. The Fn key only bothered me for the first week or so but I got used to it's new position. I can also use desktop keyboards with no trouble at all.

Compared my T42 keyboard with my Logitech Ultra-X desktop keyboard: the Ctrl keys actually overlap on these keyboards:

| Fn  | CTRL     |  ALT    |  - IBM T42 keyboard
| CTRL     | win |  ALT    |  - Logitech Ultra-X
    Press here

Modern Lenovo Thinkpad keyboards aren't all that different from old IBM Thinkpad keyboards, so it should be a matter of getting rid of the habit of pressing left side of your normal Ctrl key.


I have a Lenovo laptop and I got used to the Fn/Ctrl button placements. It is no problem at all for me now. The problems I do have is that other laptops do not have a keyboard-LED, I am addicted to it.

One problem I still have is the placement of F1 and Esc, I still accidentally press F1 with starts up some gnome help browser. That's quite annoying.


I have a x200 but i remapped CAPSLOCK to be my CTRL-key as i use a Happy Hacking Keyboard at home and at work as i personally think it is way better positioned there.

So yes, for me it was definately a problem, but unrelated to the akwqard positioning of the CTRL-key on the Lenovo Keyboard layout.


My laptop isn't one of the two you mentioned, but it has the same positioning issue with Fn vs. Ctrl being the bottom left key. I don't notice any difference in terms of comfort or ease of typing, but there's a slight learning curve of finger positioning.

I would say you won't notice it after a couple of days in, unless you're frequently switching between other laptops that have the reverse layout.

Sean O'Hollaren

Placement of Ctrl is no problem. What annoys hell out of me are the stupid keys Lenovo introduced between Alt and Ctrl. I know the one on the right is 'menu' and I am always hitting by accident when I mean to get Alt or Ctrl. Fn is never a problem.

Norman Ramsey
Lenovo didn't introduce those keys...I've seen them on plenty of keyboards.
Thomas Owens
For my desktops I use only the Kinesis Contoured ergonomic keyboard, which is practically a Dark Age keyboard. No fluff! The Thinkpads were fine until my X300. I hate those stupid keys.
Norman Ramsey
you mean the stupid Windows key?
Warren P
@Warren: Windows on the left and Menu on the right. Badly placed, they are!
Norman Ramsey
I hate them all. IBM PS2 selectric keyboards forever!
Warren P