



How can I display a Tab (\t) on a textview ?

I have a small piece of code (Example Below) which is well formated with Tab's and new lines. But when I view this code on a text view it does not show the tab's, but it does show the new lines.

@interface Animal : NSObject {
    NSString *name;
    NSString *description;
    NSString *imageURL;

Thanks for the help.


It may be that the UITextView class simply does not show tab characters, which is entirely possible, due to the fact that the user cannot enter a tab with the built-in keyboard. If this is the case, there is always the option of simply doing a replace on tabs to four spaces. If you need to later find those tabs, you could replace it with a tab followed by four spaces, since it seems that the tab is not displayed, it would not make a visual difference.

The other possibility is that the width of the UITextView does not permit showing the tabs and so they are ignored.

Ed Marty

UITextView remove Tab characters from text, but you can replace it with blank space.

description = [description stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: @"\t" withString: @"    "];