




example: "select * from somewhere where x = 1"

I want to find the whitespace-delimited "where", but not the "where" within "somewhere". In the example "where" is delimited by spaces, but it could be carriage returns, tabs etc.

Note: I know regex would make it easy to do (the regex equivalent would be "\bwhere\b"), but I don't want to add a regex library to my project just to do this.


Well, regex is the correct answer. If you don't want to include regex, you will have to try and implement a bit of regex yourself and search for " where ".

Your only other option I guess would be to search for "where", then check the character before and after the match to see if they are whitespace characters.


If you are using Visual Studio 2008 with Feature Pack you already have std::tr1::regex in C++.

Cristian Adam
+3  A: 

I don't know the first thing about MFC and CString, but in plain C++ I'd stuff that string into an std::istringstream and read from that into a string:

std::istringstream iss("select * from somewhere where x = 1");
std::string word;
do {
  iss >> word;
  if( !iss ) throw "blah blah!";
} while( word != "where" );

I suppose CString does have stream operators overloaded with the appropriate semantics, but, as I said, I don't know it.

The extraction requires an ostream, and will read from any ostreambuf. You'd need an ostreambuf over CString to do this.
s/ostream/istream/g of course.
@MSalters: Um, am I brain-farting here or is that you? :)
@MSalters: Ah, `istream` -- _that_ I understand. Anyway, I wouldn't know whether there's any stream buffers for `CString`. I never used MFC.
+2  A: 
Kirill V. Lyadvinsky
this one actually enables to search for more complex expressions like "GROUP BY"
Yes, my solution is universal and doesn't require additional memory.
Kirill V. Lyadvinsky
+1  A: 

If you wanted to use the pure MFC method of string manipulation, then this should work:

CString strSql = _T("select * from somewhere where x = 1");

int nTokenPos = 0;
CString strToken = strSql.Tokenize(_T(" \r\n\t"), nTokenPos);

while (!strToken.IsEmpty())
    if (strToken.Trim().CompareNoCase(_T("where")) == 0)
        return TRUE; // found
    strToken = strSql.Tokenize(_T(" \r\n\t"), nTokenPos);

return FALSE; // not found
I like this answer. It uses pure MFC, which I prefer, and also enables to do case insensitive searches. sbi's and JIa3ep's answers are also pretty good, though.
eewwwwwwwww - MFC