I want to jump in that stuff. Some good tutorials would be cool!
Unfortunately, iPhone transform matrices don't exist.
You'll have to use regular ones :(
Rhythmic Fistman
2009-07-24 17:51:44
are you sure? I can do self.layer.transform.m32 for example...Xcode doesn't complain about it. I just need to find out how to alter these values...
2009-07-24 21:53:16
Oh, those. Those are CGAffineTransforms. You can set their components directly (a, b, c, d, tx, ty).
Rhythmic Fistman
2009-07-24 22:11:18
For CATransform3D (3-D Core Animation transforms), you can refer to their documentation, which does a good job of explaining the fundamentals.
If you're interested in examples, I describe how I improved some OpenGL rendering tasks by using the structure here, and I have source code for an iPhone application that does 3-D rotation and perspective effects using CATransform3D and Core Animation here.
Brad Larson
2009-07-25 00:51:21