I am using Multi-table inheritance for an object, and I need to limit the choices of the parent object foreign key references to only the rules that apply the child system.
from schedule.models import Event, Rule
class AirShowRule(Rule):
Inheritance of the schedule.Rule
rule_type = models.TextField(default='onAir')
class AirShow(Event):
station = models.ForeignKey(Station)
image = models.ImageField(upload_to='images/airshow', null=True, blank= True)
thumb_image = models.ImageField(upload_to='images/airshow', null=True, blank= True)
Now, in the admin, I only want the AirShowRule(s) to be the choices for an AirShow(Event). What I get is all the rules that are in the schedule.event system.
I am inheriting from django-schedule found at http://code.google.com/p/django-schedule/